NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Information Technology - Projects

S.No Reg.No Team Member Supervisor Project Title
1 1920110008 DARSHINI PRIYA G Ms. I. Janani PixelVerify: Advanced Image Authenticity Assessment through Deep Learning
2 1920110027 MOHANAPRIYA T
5 1920110054 THANUSRI S Ms. M. Sasikala Resume Parsing for Personalized Career Suggestions using NLP Techniques
6 1920110012 GOKUL K P
7 1920110032 NITHISH R
8 1920110043 SHAANAVI DEVI S Mr. C Santhosh Kumar Ambient Stress Detection for Open Environment using Hybrid Model
9 1920110004 AROKIA NADHIA V
10 1920110005 ARUNACHALAM K
12 1920110044 SHOBHAN KUMAR R Ms. J Deepika Paralympic Prosphere: Empowering the Physically Challenged with Augmented Reality Excellence
13 1920110003 ARIVUMATHI D Dr. K. Thangaraj Coin Detection & Movement recording in Board Games using YOLO
14 1920110039 SAISHREE R
15 1920110048 SOORIYA M S
16 1920110014 HUZAIR AHMED R Dr. J Jeba Emilyn Computer Vision based Tree Stocking for Forest Conservation
17 1920110010 ESWAR YASWANTH RAJ R
18 1920110034 PRAVEEN S A
19 1920110033 POOJA M
20 1920110704 PRAVEENRAJ R Ms. R. Sangeethapriya Facial Expression-Based Multimedia Recommendation System
21 1920110702 KARTHI SARAVANA O
22 1920110016 JANAVIKA A
23 1920110047 SINDHUJA S
24 1920110007 DHANUSRI S Ms. R Sangeethapriya Recipe Generation from Food Image using NLP and CNN
25 1920110017 JEEVANANDHAM P
26 1920110060 VISHNUVARTHAN M
27 1920110056 VIGNESH S
28 1920110050 SREEDHARSAN S Dr. J. Akilandeswari Intelligent Traffic Fusion: A Comprehensive Approach to Road Lane Detection, Vehicle Identification and Speed Analysis
29 1920110006 DESILVA S
30 1920110020 KARTHIK R
31 1920110022 KIRUTHIK RAAM D V
32 1920110046 SHRUSTIGA S R Mr. S David Samuel Azariya Pneumonia Detection Using Deep Learning
34 1920110030 MUTHAMIZH P J
35 1920110029 MOHSIN TAJ M
36 1920110001 AKSHAYA A Mr. J. L. Aldo Stalin Integrity-Driven Facial Recognition Guardian using Deep Learning Models and Identity Verifier
37 1920110703 MADHAVAN K S
39 1920110015 INDHRA V
40 1920110038 ROSHAN E Ms. P. Kruthika Elevating Homeworkouts using Pose estimation with Mediapipe
41 1920110013 HARI KRISHNAN S
42 1920110024 MADANAGOPAL D
43 1920110028 MOHANRAJ V
44 1920110051 SRIDHAR K S Mr. S. David Samuel Azariya Automated Animal Species Identification and Distance Measurement
45 1920110059 VISHAL R
46 1920110045 SHREESARAN D
47 1920110058 VIJAY PARANDANAM B M
48 1920110026 MOHAN KUMAR G Mr. S David Samuel Azariya Automated Animal Species Identification and Distance Measurement
51 1920110037 RAGUL S
52 1920110031 NIKITHA LAKSHMI J Dr.P.Iyyanar Autonomous Night Patrolling Robot for enhacned Surveillance and Security in Low-Light Environment
53 1920110019 KAMALI S
54 1920110041 SANTHOSH N J
55 1920110009 DWARAKNATH B
56 1920110002 ANTO JERISH S Mr. M Murali Trading Bot-Machine Learning based Algorithmic Trading Model
57 1920110049 SOUNDAPPAN M
58 1920110042 SARENSANTH C
59 1920110053 SWATHI S
60 1920110057 VIGNESHWARAN BS Ms. Lydia D Isaac Revolutionary Natural Language Health analysis system with Medication Recommendations
61 1920110052 SRISANJANA A
62 1920110701 GOWTHAMRAJ B
63 1920110035 PREETHIKA L
64 1920106004 Abbinanase M Dr. V Mohanraj Placement Prediction and Skill Gap Analysis Using Machine Learning Model
65 1920106028 Harshitaa M S
66 1920106020 Dhivya Dharshini G
67 1920106014 Bhuvaneshwaran S
68 1920106031 Kaamal VN Dr. J. Akilandeswari Paralympic ProSphere: Empowering the Physically Challenged with Augmented Reality Excellence
69 1920106005 Abhindra G
70 1920106704 Harikrishna R
71 1920106016 Deepak R
72 1920106018 Devarasan C Ms. J. Deepika Home automation using Gesture Recognition
73 1920106034 Karan Sambhaji Babar
74 1920106019 Dharun Kumar R
75 1920106009 Aravinth Krishna R
76 1920106017 Devadharshini S Ms. J. Janani Adaptive Ad-Blocker using Deep Learning Enhanced Dynamic Counter Measure
77 1920106032 Kaaviya V
78 1920106023 Gayathri R
79 1920106010 Athish G R
80 1920106006 Absarkhan K Mr. R. Krishna Prakash Image Caption Generator
81 1920106008 Ajith V
82 1920106024 Gurusuvya M
83 1920106026 Hariharan A
84 1920106002 Aadil Khan S Mr. N Selvanathan Well Connect: A Comprehensive Healthcare System
85 1920106012 Baviva R
86 1920106025 Hanisha S
87 1920106707 Keerthana K
88 1920106033 Kannan S Mr. A Naveen Kumar Enhancing Object Detection in YOLO v8: Adaptive Recognition of Untrained Objects through Advanced Deep Learning Techniques
89 1920106703 Gobika S
90 1920106013 Bhavan Kumar S B
91 1920106001 Aadharsh M K
92 1920106015 Darshan S Dr. K Thangaraj Smart Voting System
93 1920106027 Harish M
94 1920106706 Jeevika P
95 1920106011 Avinash Sundar K
96 1920106003 Aarif U S Mr. A Naveen Kumar Digital Twin
97 1920106029 Honey Sure S
98 1920106030 Jayavarshini S
99 1920106036 Karunya S
100 1920106021 Dineshkumar S Dr. J. Senthilkumar Controller of examination chatbot
101 1920106022 Ganuthiraj T
102 1920106035 Karthi M
103 1920106702 Dhanush Kumar S G
104 1920106063 Padma Pravin E Mr. J Aldo Stalin Real-time age specific detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders through Brain-Computer Interface Technology and Deep Learning
105 1920106069 Praveen N
106 1920106070 Pravin P
107 1920106060 Nivas R Dr. Jeba Emilyn Smart Automated Literature Analysis Tool
108 1920106701 Chandreesh S
109 1920106711 Raja K
110 1920106071 Pravin T Ms. I. Janani Data Extraction for Marksheet Parsing
111 1920106043 Mano Barathi T
112 1920106049 Mohammed Asif Z
113 1920106048 Michael Santhosh Raj A
114 1920106062 Nivethithaa S Dr. V. Mohanraj Private Cloud Computing Infrastructure for Educational Institutions
115 1920106064 Palanisamy K
116 1920106072 Priyadarshini N
117 1920106072 Ranjith S P
118 1920106040 Komalavalli V S Dr. J. Akilandeswari Harmful brain activity classification
119 1920106051 Monish G
120 1920130061 Nivetha Sri S
121 1920106065 Pavithra M
122 1920106053 Najma N Ms. D. Komalavalli A Comparative analysis on House Prediction using Machine Learning
123 1920106041 Madhumitha M
124 1920106045 Mathiyarasi P
125 1920106040 Kaviyanbu K
126 1920106067 Pradeepa S Mr. K. Karthick Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning
127 1920106066 Poornima C
128 1920106056 Navina Tharsini J
129 1920106054 Naresh B Mr. A. Naveenkumar Auto Image Annotation using Deep Learning
130 1920106055 Navin J
131 1920106068 Pratheesh T
132 1920106037 Kavin U K Mr. S. Rajkumar Bone fracture detection
133 1920106708 Mahesh Prasanna J
134 1920106052 Megala V
135 1920106050 Mohammed Israr I Dr. P. Ilanchezhian Cardiac stroke prediction system using machine learning techniques
136 1920106059 Nithish Kumar M
137 1920106039 Kiran P
138 1920106058 Niriksha M Mr. A. Velusamy Optimized Machine Learning Model For Disease Predicton And Treatment Recommendation Through Gait Analysis
139 1920106046 Meghaa E S
140 1920106044 Manuvidya S
141 1920106042 Mahishkanna M Dr. R. Subhashini Timetable Generator
142 1920106047 Megul Raj S
143 1920106052 Nagaraj K A
144 1920106057 Neha K
145 1920106073 PRIYADARSHINI R Dr. Suresh Y Virtually Controlling Mouse Using Hand Gestures And Voice Commands
146 1920106084 SARATHI G S
147 1920106093 SUBA S M
148 1920106074 RAJVIGNESH K Dr.P.Ilanchezian Deep learning approach for Pneumonia detection and Severity classifcation
149 1920106075 RANJITH M
150 1920106081 SANKET S JADHAV
151 1920106098 THAMARAIKANNAN G
152 1920106076 RAVISASTRI S Mr. DINESH KUMAR P Identifying The Economic Wellbeing Of A Region Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery And Deep Learning
153 1920106097 SWETHA S S
154 1920106100 THARANI SREE C
155 1920106077 REVANTH K S Dr.V.Mohanraj Threatpulse: Revolutionizing Traffic Analysis For Early Threat Detection
156 1920106089 SHURUTHI A
157 1920106106 VISWA R
158 1920106709 MONISH KUMAR R
159 1920106078 RISHWANTH Ms. KRUTHIKA P Unified Sales Optimization Framework: Sales Prediction, Customer Segmentation, Review Analysis, and AI-Driven Chatbot Recommendations
160 1920106082 SANTHOSHSIVA M
161 1920106092 SRINIVASAN S
162 1920106705 HARISH BHARATHI M
163 1920106079 RIYA K Mr. Selvanathan N Fake Job Post Prediction
164 1920106095 SUBIKSHA M
165 1920106715 YARAF ANEESH
166 1920106080 ROHINISREE J Mr.U.K.BalajiSaravanan Multi-sensory Assistive System for visually impaired individuals:currency and object recognition with voice assistant
167 1920106096 SWETHA J
168 1920106101 THASLEEMA NASRIN A
169 1920106083 SARANKUMAR P Mr. Sakthivel P Chatbot for mental health
170 1920106091 SRINATH N
171 1920106104 VENKATRAJU C
172 1920106501 SRISATRIYAN M
173 1920106085 SARVESH KUMAR V Mr. Munirathinam T Algorithmic Stock Trading Bot Using Reinforcement Learning
174 1920106086 SATHISH S
175 1920106105 VIGNESH G
176 1920106087 SHALINI B Dr.K.Thangaraj Integrated Coin tracking system
177 1920106099 THANUSHYA SRI S
178 1920106102 VARSHAA M J
179 1920106088 SHIVANI N Mrs. Lydia D Issac INTERNSHIP
180 1920106090 SRISUBHASHINI M D Mr. Mohanraj B Sign language and Gesture recognition
181 1920106094 SUBIKSHA C R
183 1920106103 VENIKA P I Mrs. Lydia D Issac Development of AI-Based Yoga Trainer System
184 1920106107 ZEEN SULTHANA R
185 1920106713 SYED UMAR FARUQ S
186 1920106714 VIJAY K