NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Controller of Examinations - Results

icon Results for Final , Third, Second Year & Passed Out (Arrears) of UG/PG Programmes - Semester End Examinations, November – 2024


  • A student who secures not less than 50% of total marks prescribed for the course (both in CIE and SEE) with a minimum of 50% of the marks prescribed for the SEE in both theory and practical courses including Project work), shall be declared to have passed the Examination.
  • In the event of failure of a student in the SEE of any course, the Continuous Internal Assessment marks obtained by the student in the first appearance of that course shall be retained and considered valid for only one subsequent attempt. However, if a second attempt is necessitated and the student fails to obtain pass marks (CIE+SEE) as per Clause 13.1 then the passing requirement shall be as follows:
    • The student should secure 50% minimum marks prescribed for the course in the SEE alone and the related Continuous Internal Assessment marks obtained will not be considered or retained thereafter.


All the candidates irrespective of the GRADE/MARK secured in the Semester End Examinations can apply for Revaluation. Photocopy or Revaluation of the answer scripts are given only for theory courses. Practical/Online courses/optional language courses are not eligible for revaluation. A Candidate who would like to apply revaluation for a course, he/she need to obtain his/her photocopy of the answer script (of the course concerned) first thereby paying Rs.400/- per course before the deadline mentioned. If any discrepancy is being noticed in the Photocopy of the answer script, the same may be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examination.

  • After receiving the photocopy, the candidate can check discrepancies in awarded marks, total mistake and marks omitted etc., by his/her own or he/she can also discuss the same with course experts. If the expert(s) is/are convinced that the candidate deserve to get more marks than the awarded marks, then he/she can recommend the student to apply revaluation.
  • Once the student gets approval from the expert, they need to get revaluation application thereby paying Rs.300/- and submit the same after getting signature from course expert, HOD and the Principal along with the photocopy of the answer script to the Office of COE.If a candidate is not satisfied by his/her revaluation results, they can apply for Review/Challenge by remitting the prescribed fee of Rs.3000/- per course.