NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)
Sona College of Technology has established a cell for faculty development to enrich the knowledge of faculty members in all aspects like life skills, time management, technical skills and in particular outcome based education. The objective of this cell is to organize various faculty development programmes and training programmes in different fields. The resource persons will be identified based on the relevance of area of training. These value added training courses will be arranged based on the interest of the faculty to update their knowledge with the current scenario in any particular stream. The knowledge gained by the faculty will be implemented in their future endeavors. It will also help the faculty to adapt with present outcome based education and improve their teaching strategies to accomplish their duties with effective time management skills. It is planned to train the faculty members in different verticals like life skills, time management, stress management, professional development, latest technologies, knowledge enhancement, industrial requirement and societal needs. To meet the present curriculum which is student's centric, more preference is focused on outcome based pedagogic trainings. This will help to achieve self-development of faculty, department, enhance placement opportunities to students and contribute to institutional growth to meet present industrial requirements.
Events 2018 - 19
FDC In-Charge :
Dr. R. Malathy,
Professor & HOD (CIVIL) & Dean (R&D),
Sona College of Technology,
+91- 427- 4099766