NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)
SONA is the first engineering institution in India which introduced the Blackboard Learn software in the teaching learning process. Blackboard Learn 9.1 is the Virtual Learning Environment used at the Sona Group of Institution.
Blackboard provides access to learning materials and activities online. Students and faculty members of institution can access the Blackboard services from any location by using a URL: All that is needed to access Blackboard from outside the campus is a computer with internet access and trusted certificate installed in it. You can get the trusted certificate from the blackboard administration by submitting a request form.
Blackboard includes tools for:
Benefits of using Blackboard
Some of the benefits of using Blackboard are:
Blackboard LMS Utilization Report
For any queries related to using a SONA BLACKBOARD, you can reach us in the following
Email id:
Contact: 0427- 4099749
SONA is the engineering institution in India which introduced the lecture Capture system in the teaching learning process. Lecture Capture systems is a Comprehensive Video-Based Learning Platform used in Sona Group of Institutions.
A Comprehensive Video-Based Learning Platform
Lecture Capture system is an automated audio-video recording solution for class room lectures. It provides access to classroom video lectures and activities in online. Students can access the recorded video lectures and other materials from anywhere through laptops, tablets and Android platform by using URL:
Lecture Capture System— Better Learning through Recorded class room Video lectures
Students can watch the missed/completed classroom recordings – anytime; anywhere; any place.
Benefits of using Lecture Capture system
For any queries related to using a SONA LECTURE CAPTURE SYSTEM, you can reach us in the following
Email id: Contact: 0427- 4099879
Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. MOODLE is an open source web application used to create interactive online learning platform. MOODLE is an alternative to proprietary commercial online learning solutions and is distributed free under open source licensing. It is designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments. SONA is using MOODLE for various teaching learning activities like conducting online assessments, enabling content delivery like video lectures etc. Student and faculty members of institution can access the MOODLE services from anywhere in the world or from inside the campus by using the URL: