NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)
Under Graduate Degree
Programme | Total Number of Seats (Regular / 4 Years) | Total Number of Seats (Lateral Entry / 3 Years) |
Mechanical Engineering | 120 | 18 |
Mechatronics Engineering | 60 | 6 |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 120 | 12 |
Computer Science and Engineering | 180 | 18 |
Information Technology | 120 | 12 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | 150 | 15 |
Civil Engineering | 60 | 12 |
Fashion Techology | 60 | 12 |
B.E. - Bio Medical Engineering | 60 | - |
B.Tech. - Artificial Intelligence & Data Science | 120 | - |
B.E. - CSE (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) | 60 | - |
B.E. - Computer Science and Design | 60 | - |
BE - Electroncis and Computer Engineering | 60 | - |
BE - Electrical and Computer Engineering | 60 | - |
Post Graduate Degree
Programme | Total Number of Seats | Total Number of Seats (Lateral Entry) |
M.E. - Computer Science and Engineering | 18 | - |
M.E. - VLSI Design | 18 | - |
M.E. - Product Design and Development | 18 | - |
M.E. - Power System Engineering | 18 | - |
M.E. - Industrial Safety and Engineering ( recognized by Director of Industrial Safety and Health, Govt. of Tamilnadu. ) |
24 | - |
M.E. - Structural Engineering | 24 | - |
M.E. - Construction Engineering & Management | 24 | - |
M.Tech. – Information Technology | 18 | - |
MBA - Master of Business Administration | 180 | - |
MCA - Master of Computer Application | 60 | - |
i) Selection Procedure
The selection committee constituted by Sona College of Technology as per the guidelines of the Institution will do selection of the candidates under this scheme. The selection is purely provisional and always subject to the confirmation from the Anna University / Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai.
ii) Selection Committee
The following selection committee constituted by Sona College of Technology as per the guidelines of the Institution will select the candidates for admission for various programmes offered by our institution.
Dr. S.R.R. Senthil Kumar, Principal, Chairman Admissions
Dr.B.Sathiyabhama, Dean - Admissions
Mr.MR.Nagappan, In-Charge Admissions
iii) Mode of selection
BE/BTech Degree Programme - First Year
BE/BTech Degree Programme - Direct Second Year Lateral Entry
ME/MTech Degree Programme
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree
Master of Computer Application (MCA) Degree
Sona National level Engineering Entrance Exam is exclusively conducted by Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu for +2 completed students who seek engineering admission
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Sona has opportunities for outstanding early-career researchers –
the Meenakshi Aachi Scholars programme. Only Sona Alumni are eligible to apply for this scholarship. In addition to gaining a scholarship/stipend to do masters' degree the program will help you build your research network and hone vital skills at this important time in your career.