NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Photonics and Nano Technology

SONA Centre for Photonics and Nano Technology (SONAPAN)

The Centre for Photonics and Nanotechnology (SONA PAN) was inaugurated on 4th January 2010. The SONA PAN is one of the Research & Development centres in India’s leading technical education institution of Sona College of Technology. This centre has state-of-the-art nano-fabrication and characterization techniques to enable the development of cutting-edge nanoscale technologies for various photonic device applications, including next-generation solar cells, light emitting sources, display devices and sensors.


  • Development of novel and ground-breaking sophisticated photonic devices with a thorough grasp of science and nanotechnology in Sona College of Technology
  • Development of innovative and advanced photonic devices with revolutionary ideas in science and nanotechnology at Sona College of Technology.
  • Establishment of global collaborative research involving scientists and industries
  • Development of novel materials with new characteristics


  • To fabricate low-cost, high-efficiency next-generation solar cells
  • Green synthesis of metal/metal oxide nanomaterials for solar cell and biological applications
  • Development of phosphor-converted light emitting sources for indoor plant cultivation
  • Fabrication of smart panels for fertilizer-free farming in outdoor sunlight
  • Development of spectral converters to enhance the efficiency of solar cells
  • Fabrication of stimuli-responsive luminescent materials for sensors
  • Development of pressure-driven luminescent materials for lighting and displays
  • Development of luminescent nanomaterials for anti-counterfeiting applications
  • Development of nonlinear optical materials for optical switches and limiters.