NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)


Sona Network and Computing (SonaNET)

SonaNET is a research lab started in 2008, dedicated to research in computer networks. The center, as part of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, aims to develop novel architectures and technologies in the field of computer networks. Faculty members and students of Sona College of Technology jointly work in research-oriented, academic and industry projects.

SonaNET also provides consultancy services tailored to the needs of organizations. The MoU between Sona and TIINO Research labs helps students and faculty members to work in industry-based projects.Such collaborations had provided students of the department to grab opportunities for internship.

Ongoing research activities are IPV6 security, Wireless Sensor Networks and security in cloud computing. Portfolio of SonaNET includes two filed patents, fifteen international publications, three national publications and sponsored projects from AICTE, IE(I) and IIT Bombay.


The vision is that we are recognized as a centre of excellence, delivering high quality research across India.


  • To develop new architecture / Technologies in Networking and related areas..
  • To provide consultancy services tailored to the needs of organizations for innovative IT solutions in these areas.