NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Science Department

General Engineering - Faculty Information

Head of the Department

Dr.M.Renuga, Ph.D
Department of Humanities and Languages.
Sona College of Technology, Salem – 636 005.
Ph: +91 427 4099780,

Teaching Staff List
S.No Name of the faculty member Qualification Date of Receiving Highest Degree Area of Specialization Designation Date of joining
Nature Of Association
(Regular/ Contract)
1 Mr.S.Saravanaraj M.E/M.Tech 30.06.2016 Power Electronics and Drives Assistant Professor 02.03.2020 Regular
2 Ms.C.Rajalakshmi M.E/M.Tech 30.05.2019 VLSI Design Assistant Professor 06.03.2020 Regular
3 Mr. P. Kumarasan M.E/M.Tech 30.11.2014 Applied Electronics Assistant Professor 01.03.2018 Regular
5 Mr.J.Raja M.E/M.Tech 30.05.2010 Applied Electronics Assistant Professor 02.03.2020 Regular
6 S.S.Suresh M.Tech - - Assistant Professor 19.10.2020 Regular
7 M.Sathish Kumar M.E/M.Tech - - Assistant Professor 02.03.2020 Regular


Non Teaching Staff List
S.No. Name Qualification Designation
1. Mr.S.Srinivasan I.T.I., D.M.E. Lab Assistant
2. Mr.K.Narayana Moorthy 9th Attendant (workshop)