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Information Technology - Achievements

  • During Feb 10th and 11th 2023 , TECH ZEAL 2023 (ONLINE MODE) – A 32 Hours National Level Hackathon contest was organized by department of IT in collaboration with the industry IBM , Smartbridge India Private Limited, Hyderabad, Telangana and Rx Data Science, Salem. A total prize money of 50,000 INR has been given to all winnners.
  • Department of IT, for the second time bagged the "AICTE-CII Best Industry linked Engineering Institution award"! Read more>>
  • National Cyber Defence Research Centre IoT Security Laboratory Read more>>
  • Signing of MoU

    Department of IT facilitated the signing of MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) between Sona College of Technology, Salem and Cyqurex Private Limited, Bengaluru on 4th October 2019

  • Department of IT received the Best NSS Programme Officer Award Read more>>
  • SONA SWAYAM NPTEL LOCAL CHAPTER secured “AA” rating (33rd Rank) in NPTEL examination held during Apr 2019. Our college has been identified as one of the TOP PERFORMING NPTEL LOCAL CHAPTER among 2500 NPTEL Local Chapters in all over India. SONA is bagging the prestigious “AA” category award for the SIXTH consecutive runs.

    The tribute goes to Dr.J.SenthilKumar, Professor/IT and the NPTEL – SPOC, Sona College of Technology. Around 40 candidates staff and students of IT department bagged Elite + Gold certification.

  • A Consultancy project titled “Development of Natural Language Processing – based algorithms for the user input classification, rating and recommendation system” worth Rs.1,10,000 for Smartbridge, Hyderabad. The project was done by Dr.V.Mohanraj,Professor/IT, Mr.N.Selvanathan, AP/ IT, Mr.U.K.Balaji Saravanan, AP/IT, Ms.D.Komalavalli, AP/IT from September 2020 to September 2021.

    Mr.U.K.Balaji Saravanan
    Mr.U.K.Balaji Saravanan
  • 2. A Consultancy project titled “Developing a Market Place for Apparel Machinery Using Pern Stack” worth Rs. 3,00,000 for Kleidsys Technologies Private Limited, Bengaluru. The project is being done by Dr.V.Mohanraj,Professor/IT, Mr.N.Selvanathan, AP/ IT, Mr.U.K.Balaji Saravanan, AP/IT, Mr. David Samuel Azariya, AP/IT, Mr.K.Karthick, AP/IT, Mr.S.Rajkumar, AP/IT Ms.D.Komalavalli, AP/IT from April 2021.

    Mr. David Samuel Azariya
    Mr. David Samuel Azariya
  • Share and Mentor Institutions (Margdarshan) is one of the Quality Improvement Scheme by AICTE. The scheme envisages that a Hub’n Spoke system to be established by an institute of repute as mentor within an existing facility to serve as the hub to guide and disperse knowledge to 10 technical institutions to encourage best practices. Sona College of Technology, Salem has been selected by the AICTE to serve as a Mentor Institute for Margdarshan scheme for the period 2019-2022.

    Department of IT congratulates the coordinators Dr.J.Senthilkumar, Professor / IT , Dr.Y.Suresh, Professor / IT and Dr.V.Mohanraj, Professor / IT, for their efforts in receiving a grant of Rs.30,00,000/- under this scheme.

    A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
  • Dr.P.Iyyanar, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) received a grant of Rs.10,64,000/- for the establishment of Multi-Skill and Personality Development Programme Centre for SC/ST students in Sona College of Technology, Salem under the scheme Skill and Personality Development Programme Centre for SC/ST students(SPDP).

  • A consultancy project work titled “Mining and Accounting System” worth Rs.2,00,000/- for Dalmia Magnesite Corporation was successfully delivered during the period Dec’ 2018 to May’ 2019. The system was developed by Mr.U.K.Balaji Saravanan, Assistant Professor / IT and Mr.N.Selvanathan, Assistant Professor / IT.

    Mr.U.K.Balaji saravanan

NPTEL Achievements [June 2023 - May 2024]

Name of the faculty Course Certificate Type Topper
J Akilandeswari Introduction to Machine Learning Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course
Jeba Emilyn J Data Structure and Algorithms using JAVA Elite+Silver Topper of 2% in this course
Jeba Emilyn J Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course
Lydia D Isaac Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course
Sasikala M Cloud Computing Elite+Silver Topper of 2% in this course
Sindhu L Python for Data Science Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course
V Maanraj Foundation of Cloud IoT Edge ML Elite+Gold Topper of 1% in this course
Dr J Senthilkumar Foundation of Cloud IoT Edge ML Elite+Gold Topper of 1% in this course
Iyyanar P Introduction to Internet of Things Elite+Gold Topper of 5% in this course
R Sangeethapriya Fundamental Algorithms: Design and Analysis Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course
Selvanathan N Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things Elite+Silver Topper of 1% in this course
Janani I Fundamental Algorithms: Design and Analysis Elite+Silver Topper of 2% in this course
Sasikala M Introduction to Internet of Things Elite+Gold Topper of 5% in this course
Thangaraj Chairman of IEI
Dr.K.Thangaraj-ASP/IT, has been elected as “Chairman for IEI Salem Local Centre, Salem” for the Institution of Engineers (India) from the year 2023 - 2024
Thangaraj Innovation
Dr.K.Thangaraj-ASP/IT, has been awarded as “Technology and Innovation in Education Award” from Artificial Intelligence Medical and Engineering Researchers Society for the year 2023 - 2024
Thangaraj Certificate
Dr.K.Thangaraj-ASP/IT, has been awarded as “Technology and Innovation in Education Award” from Artificial Intelligence Medical and Engineering Researchers Society for the year 2023 - 2024
Instructor Excellence
Mr.P.Manikandan, CISCO Instructor was awarded the “Expert Level Instructor Excellence” from CISCO Networking Academy for the year 2023

NPTEL Achievements [Jan 2023 - May 2023]

Name of the Faculty Course Certificate Type Topper
Jeba Emilyn J Design Thinking - A Primer Elite+gold Topper of 1% in this course
Aldo Stalin J L Design Thinking - A Primer Elite+Silver
J Akilandeswari Fundamental Algorithms: Design And Analysis Elite+Silver
J Deepika Emotional Intelligence Elite
D Komalavalli Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Elite+Silver
Selvanathan N Introduction To Internet Of Things Elite+Silver
R Sangeethapriya Cloud Computing Elite
Murali M Introduction To Internet Of Things Elite+Silver
Janani I Cloud Computing Elite
Karthick K Introduction To Internet Of Things Elite
Rajkumar S Introduction To Internet Of Things Elite
UK Balaji Saravanan Introduction To Internet Of Things Elite
Velusamy A Cloud Computing Elite
Krishna Prakash Rajagopal Privacy and Security in Online Social Media Elite
Thangaraj K Computer Networks And Internet Protocol Elite
S David Samuel Azariya Foundation of Cloud IoT Edge ML Elite+Silver
Naveenkumar A Blockchain and its Applications Elite
Santhosh Kumar C Privacy and Security in Online Social Media Elite
Lydia D Isaac Foundation of Cloud IoT Edge ML Elite+Silver

NPTEL Achievements [June 2022 - Dec 2022]

Name of the Faculty Course Certificate Type Topper
Dr. J. Akilandeswari Big Data Computing Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course
Mr. J.L. Aldostalin Data Structure And Algorithms Using Java Elite+Silver
Dr. P. Ilanchezhian Design Thinking - A Primer Elite+Silver
Dr. J. Jeba Emilyn Introduction to Machine Learning Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course
Dr. K. Thangaraj Demystifying Networking Elite+Silver
Dr. K. Thangaraj Data Structure And Algorithms Using Java Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course
Dr. S. Vasanthi Demystifying Networking Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course
Ms. J. Deepika Ethics In Engineering Practice Elite+Silver
Ms. I. Janani Design Thinking - A Primer Elite+Silver
Ms. D. Komalavalli Demystifying Networking Elite+Silver
Mr. R. Krishna Prakash Cloud computing Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course
Ms. P. Kruthika Introduction to Internet of Things Elite+Silver
Mr. M. Murali Design Thinking - A Primer Elite+Silver
Mr. A. Naveen Kumar Cloud computing Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course
Mr. C. Santhosh Kumar Introduction to Internet of Things Elite+Silver Topper of 5% in this course

Dr. J. Akilandeswari, Professor and Head, Department of Information Technology has been granted the prestigious Fulbright-Nehru fellowship for International Education Administrator’s Seminar.

  • Winner of “Best ISTE Periyar Teacher Award”
  • Received the grant: Rs. 80,16,965 for the project titled “A proof of concept for indoor navigation using real-time image recognition algorithm,” funded by DST-TIDE
  • Co-authored a book on “Web Technology: A Developer’s Perspective” for PHI, India
  • Best Women Engineer – IEI
  • Trainer for Outcomes-Based Education – NBA
  • Part of NBA Expert Committee visit
  • Coordinator MS Twinning Programme with SU, USA
  • Patents Filed: A Method for Providing Navigation Information for a Predefined Environment Based on Graph Theory and Image Processing
  • Honored for completing 25 years of service at our institute.
  • Honored with the “Best Academician Award” by IEI Tamil Nadu State Centre during the Centenary Celebration at Tamil Nadu State Centre on 15.12.2022.
Dr. J. Akilandeswari
Best Academician Award

Dr. J. Senthilkumar, Professor in the Department of Information Technology, received the SPoC award for the SWAYAM-NPTEL at IIT Madras during July 2022 to Jan 2023.

Dr. J. Senthilkumar

Mr. P. Manikandan, IT CISCO CCNA Training was given to the employees of Hubble India ltd, Chennai for 5 days (02.01.2023 - 05.01.2023) and generated with ₹ 50,000

Mr. P. Manikandan

Dr.P.Ilanchezhian, Associate Professor, IT Department is being awarded the “ISTE BEST CHAPTER SECRETARY AWARD 2022”, during the ISTE Tamil Nadu section Annual Faculty Convention for Engineering Colleges held on 25th March 2022

Dr. P. Ilanchezhian

Dr. K.Thangaraj, Best Engineer Award - IEI Winner of “Best ISTE Periyar Teacher Award” Certified in Cloud Infrastructure Management by EMC Hon. Secretary, IEI Salem Chapter Undergone summer internship at IIT, Kanpur

Dr. K.Thangaraj
Women Achiever Award 2019

Dr. V. Mohanraj,

  • Published research papers in Springer Journal (Cluster Computing) and Elsevier Journals (Journal of System and Software, Applied Soft Computing)
  • Received IBM TGMC awards
  • Obtained NPTEL online course Topper award

Dr. V. Mohanraj

Dr. J. Senthil Kumar,

  • Published research papers in Elsevier Journals (Journal of System and Software , Applied Soft Computing)
  • Obtained NPTEL online course Topper award
  • Received “Best SpoC” for promoting the NPTEL courses effectively in the college.


Dr. J. Jeba Emilyn,
Received INSPIRE FACULTY EXCELLENCE AWARD from INFOSYS for contribution towards INFOSYS Campus Connect Programme in the college.


One day Road-A-Thon event organized by the Salem City Police in association with Sona College of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Salem on 05.03.2024. Students participated in multidisciplinary teams and won prizes for their innovative design concepts related to Moden Traffic Lights. Harini M, Harini S and Jaishree S S of II year ADS secured I place and bagged cash prize of Rs. 25,000/-.



A three days virtual Hackathon conducted by FIBRE partner Institutions in Canada and India from 13.05.2022 to 15.05.2022. Students participated in multidisciplinary teams and won prizes for their innovative design concepts related to “Pressure Ulcers”. Shoban Kumar of III year / ADS bagged FIRST PRIZE (Prize: 1000 CAD and One month of mentorship provided by Variant 3D ( to help the selected team to bring their product to market).

Elocution Competition

Final year IT student, Mr. Aswin, has won 2nd place in Elocution Competition in Saarang cultural festival conducted by IITM on 15.01.2023.

Student Hackathon

Our students won second place (Rs. 15,000) in the Student Hackathon on AI&ML, which took place at IITM Research Park on 13.12.2022

TN Gots Talent

Our Department student, K.S. Abitha of 2nd year IT A section won 1st prize in state level dance competition “TN Gots Talent” on 5th Jan 2023.

Synsara Code Red Hackathon

Our students won second place (Rs. 4,000) in the Synsara Code Red Hackathon, which took place at Sri Sairam College of Engineering from 28.09.2022 to September 29 .09.2022.

Team members:
G.Abhindra- III/IT R.Harikrishna- III/IT
M.Pavithra - III/IT B.Shalini - III/IT

Intel OneAPI hackathon

Won Runner Up title and received cash prize of Rs.20,000 at the Intel OneAPI hackathon organized by the Intel Corp and Hack2skill at IISc, Bengaluru. The team was Shortlisted among nationwide entries and participated in 30 hrs hackathon demonstrating Medical image processing through SYCL/DPC++ using Intel one Libraries.
*Our team was the only team under the theme of Medical Image processing to win the title*.

Team members:
Abbijananee M
Harshita M S
Kaamal V N
Vishal V

World Students Day

Akil Sadik M H, Brindha S, Sowmya R and Vishva Helina J of II year ADS secured I place and bagged cash prize of Rs. 50,000/-. The team stood top among 170 participants from various states of the country.

CISCO Placements

CISCO Placements: Five of our department students got placements at CISCO with CTC of 17.5L.

District level Speak for India

V.Vishal of II year IT won the district level Speak for India 2022-23 Contest on 09.01.2023 and has been selected for State Level Contest.

Best performance in NPTEL exam

Mr. NAVIN J – student of III year B.Tech – IT programme has been selected for internship by IIT Kharagpur for his best performance in NPTEL exam October 2022 with stipend amount of RS 15,000.

Best performance in NPTEL exam

Mr. SOORIYA MS – student of III year B.Tech – AI&DS programme has been selected for internship by IIT Kharagpur for his best performance in NPTEL exam October 2022 with stipend amount of RS 15,000.

NPTEL Toppers

Photo Name
Sarvesh Kumar V
1% Topper
Introduction to Internet of Things
Gurusurya M
1% Topper
Cloud Computing
Megul Raj S
1% Topper
Cloud Computing
Sooriya M S
1% Topper
Introduction to Internet of Things
Neha K
2% Topper
Cloud Computing
Sarensanth C
2% Topper
Introduction to Internet of Things
Shivani N
2% Topper
Design Thinking – A Primer
2% Topper
Design & Implementation of Human Computer Interfaces
Navin J
5% Topper
Introduction to Internet of Things
Saishree R
5% Topper
Introduction to Internet of Things
Brindha S
2% Topper
Programming in Java
Vignesh S
5% Topper
Introduction to Internet of Things
Nivas R
5% Topper
Cloud Computing
Swetha SS
5% Topper
Cloud Computing
Pravin P
5% Topper
Cloud Computing
Suba S M
5% Topper
Introduction to Internet of Things
Thamaraikannan G
2% Topper
Introduction to Internet of Things
Priyadharshini N
5% Topper
Cloud Computing
Aruna M
5% Topper
Programming in Java
Mohanapriya T
5% Topper
Introduction to Internet of Things
Vijay Parandaman B M
5% Topper
Programming in Java

1. Ms. V. Aishwarya- B Tech IT IV Year Student bagged the Best Student Advisor Award ISTE Tamil Nadu Section on 29th April 2021.

2. K. S. Susmitha, 4th Year IT student got internship in a product company "NGGAWE NIRMAN TECHNOLOGIES, BANGALORE" to carry out project in Block chain. She was paid with internship of 20000 INR per month.

3. Dhanasekar P, IV/year of IT has been selected for the GRAND FINALE of the prestigious COVID 19 NATIONAL BIO INFORMATICS HACKATHON FOR FULL STACKERS.

4. Final year IT student S VAISHALINI got an offer from IIT Kharagpur to do an internship based on her performance in the NPTEL course “Introduction to Internet of Things” with the duration of 8 weeks.

5. Anna University Zone Chess Tournament Women - Winners

S. No Name of the Students Year & Branch Organized by Date & Year Place
1 V. Sneha II/IT Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram 22.03.2021 Winners

6. NPTEL learner must have been present for 8 or more NPTEL exams in the last 4 semesters. The learner must have passed in 75% or more of the exams appeared for. (For eg : if he/she has appeared for 8 exams, he/she should have passed in 6 at least)


7. Student Internship @ Swinburne University, Australia!

8. Commvault Systems, USA Vairavaprakash S R- IV Year / IT

9. International Placements: “Human Resosia Co. Ltd”, Tokyo, Japan.


10. R. Dharani Dharan in his II Year was in the top 15 to attend the “Ananta Aspen Emerging Leaders Programme organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.

11. Trailhead Students Championship 2018 Largest Learnathon of India Organized by ICT Academy and Powered by Salesforce on 2nd& 3rd March 2018

I Prize - Mr. S. Dheenadhayalan - II Year ‘A’
II Prize - Mr. R. Dharani Dharan - II Year ‘A’
III Prize - Mr. S. Lokeas - II Year ‘B’

Toppers and Elite in “NPTEL” Online Course 2021

S. No Name of the faculty Name of the Courses

Mr. S. Dhanush Prabhu

Programming in Java


Mr. S. Kanish

Programming in Java


Ms. I. Haripriyaa

Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms using Python


Ms. Obu Shruthi

Programming in Java


Mr. Amit Kumar Singh

Cloud Computing


Mr. S.S.Rohith

Practical Machine Learning with Tensor Flow


Mr. S. Srisharaan

Computer Networks and Internet Protocol


Mr. S. Srisharaan

Practical Machine Learning with Tensor Flow


Mr. S. Srisharaan

Python for Data Science


Mr. Varun Venkatesh

Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms using Python


Mr. Varun Venkatesh

Programming in Java


Mr. B.A. Varundeepak

Introduction to Machine Learning


Mr. B.A. Varundeepak

Data Mining


Mr. B.A. Varundeepak

Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms using Python


Mr. B.A. Varundeepak

Software Testing


Mr. B.A. Varundeepak

Introduction to BlockchainTechnology and Applications

Elite + Gold in “NPTEL” Online Course Nov 2019

S. No Student Name MOOC Courses Course Title
1 V.Aishwarya NPTEL Programming in Java
2 Anuradha R NPTEL Programming in Java
3 Varundeepak B A NPTEL Programming in Java
4 Madhumitha M NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
5 Keerthana Sree.V NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
6 Mathan K NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
7 S. Aiswariya NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
8 Lavanya NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
9 R.Nithya NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
10 Varundeepak B A NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
11 Imtaiyaz S NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
12 S.Preethika NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
13 Swetha NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
14 G.Sathish Kumar NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
15 Sobigarani.S.P NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
16 Dharani. K NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
17 Swathipriya.R NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
18 Kiruthika.R NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
19 Indhu.R NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
20 Jawahar M NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
21 Harikarasuriya Devarajan NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
22 A.Rasika NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
23 Dhivya Murali NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
24 P.Deepak NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
25 Renoshini K NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
26 Atchayalaxmi.G NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
27 Haridharshini.N.T NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
28 Kousika D NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
29 Jenisha.J NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
30 Anjana NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
31 Lokesh. S NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
32 J. Raghul Hari NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
33 Pritham NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
34 Yukesh Kumar S NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
35 Sweety NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
36 Mogan Raj A NPTEL Introduction to Internet of Things
  • R. Dharanidharan spoke on “Love is not harassment” and bagged First prize
  • S. Sajetha spoke on “Youths of present generation” and bagged Second Prize
  • K. Sriram spoke on “Youths of present generation” and bagged Second Prize

Best of Best Speakers Forum Award bagged by SWATHIKA P III/IT for speaking on “Poverty is a State of Mind”

Ms. S. Sajetha of III Year / IT awarded the Student Best Student Advisor Award IEI Tamilandu State Centreon 10 April 2018

Best of Best Speakers in Speakers Forum