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Sona Receives IE(I) Engineering Education Excellence Award (Silver)

Sona has received the IE(I) - Institution of Engineers' (India) Engineering Education Excellence Award (Silver) at a grand award ceremony held in Kolkata in the August presence of Chief Guest, Er. BRV Susheel Kumar, Vice Chairman & Managing Director, TGMDC Limited, Telegana State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd., and the Guest of Honour, Er Tapan Misra, Chairman, Sisir Radar and Former Director, Space Application Center (ISRO). The award was presented by the President of The Institution of Engineers (India), Dr. G. Ranganath, Er. VB.Singh and Award Committee Chairman, Er. Enti Ranga Reddy. The award was received by the Principal, Prof. Dr. S.R.R. Senthilkumar, and Dr. K. Thangaraj, IE(I) Chairman, Salem Local Centre, and Associate Professor of IT, in the presence of other dignitaries during the award ceremony. This marks the third consecutive year that our institution has been recognized with this prestigious national-level award from India’s oldest and most respected professional body of engineers. We have been awarded for demonstrating the highest order of engineering educational excellence.
