NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)
AICTE recognizes women empowerment in AICTE approved institutions in the name of AICTE lilavati award for the last 2 years. In the year 2022, 8 sub themes were announced under various sectors including literacy and life skill, health care, sanitation and hygiene, women entrepreneurship, self defence, technology for women, legal awareness and women innovators.
Sona college of technology applied under 5 themes, out of which 3 got short listed at first level namely women innovators, technology for women and self defence. Different technologies and products developed by faculty members and students had been showcased during the presentation. Out of 500 teams, across India sona college of technology has won the lilavati award under women innovator theme. Under this theme, 16 patents were demonstrated that would help rural women, budding women entrepreneurs and self help groups to improve their livelihood. Some of the innovations like plastic paver block, semi automatic trolley for women labours in construction, IOT based smart irrigation, mosquito repellent clothing etc were transferred to industries as part of technology transfer from academic institution to industry.
Dr. R. Malathy professor and head of the civil department, Dr. Gulshan Taj associate professor of civil department, Dr. S. Priyalatha associate professor of the department of fashion technology and Ms. A. Shiney Pearlin III Year student of Fashion technology were the women innovators of the team SWIFTT ( Sona Women Innovators For Technology Transfer ) and played significant role in developing all the products and patents. Outcome of these innovations were measured in terms of impact on society such as uplifting of the rural women, benefits to industries to commercialize the products. The management and principal of Sona college of technology appreciated the team for their efforts that brought laurels to the institution.