NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)
Date | Events |
21.08.2019 | Department of CSE organized an Department Association Inauguration The resource person is Senthilraja Natarajan, KGK Group, Guangzhou, China. |
14.09.2019 | Dr.S.Anitha Elavarasi & Prof.M.Marimuthu organized a Guest Lecture on “Cloud Computing & Cloud based IoT Application”, The resource person is Mr. J Saravanabhavan, Software Engineer at Cisco. |
14.09.2019 | Dr. S. Kiruthika & Prof. M.R. Sundarakumar organized a Guest Lecture on “Work with Multimedia”, The resource person is Mr. Arasakumar Perumal, Lead Video Editor at Zero Gravity Photography, Chennai. |
18.09.2019 | Dr.V.Sathiyamoorthi & Prof.R. Reena Devi organized a Guest Lecture on “Data Exploratory Analysis using Python”, The resource person is Mr. Surya S G., Jr. Data Scientist, Vee Technologies. |
21.09.2019 | Dr.J.Jayanthi, Mr.N.Baskar & Mr.R.B.Vinoth Kumar organized a Guest Lecture on “Robotic Process Automation”, The resource person is Mr.Chin Ramamoorthi and Team VEE Technologies, Bangalore. |
23.09.2019 to 28.09.2019 | Dr.Shanmugaraja.V & Mr.M.R.Sundarakumar organized a FDP on “ADX-201 SALESFORCE ADMINISTRATOR”, The resource person is Mr.Hariprasath M, ICT Academy, Chennai. |
04/10/19 | Dr.A.C.Kaladevi, Dr.R.Sivakami, Dr.K.C.Rajeswari, Prof.D.Vidyabharathi, & Ms.R.Priyadharshini organized a Guest Lecture on “Practical Implications of AI and ML in Data Analytics”, The resource person is Mr.Prakatheesh T J, Junior Data Scientist, Vee Technologies Salem. |
03.10.2019 | Department of CSE organized an SPARK ’19, Intra College Technical Event at GT hall. |
04.10.2019 | Dr.S.Sakthivel, Dr.R.C.Narayanan, Prof V.Nandhini & Prof G.Mohanraj, organized a Guest Lecture on “UNDECIDABILITY PROBLEMS-Computational Complexity, NP Completeness – SAT, CLIQUE and PDA to MultiStack”, The resource person is Ms. Catherine Swismitha, Test Lead at Cisco Systems Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore. |
08.11.2019 | Department of CSE organized an PLUGIN 2K19, Intra Department Technical Event at GT hall. |
18th to 30th November, 2019 | Dr.R.Sivakami & Dr.S.Anitha Elavarasi, organized a FDP on “Software Defined Networks”, sponsored by AICTE at IBM Lab. |
11.01.2020 | Mr.N.Basker, Mr.J.Dhayanithi & Mr.R.B.Vinothkumar organized a Guest Lecture on “Career Awareness Program”, The resource person is Hemanand, Senior Software Engineer, PayPal, Chennai |
11.1.2020 & 24.1.2020 | Department of CSE organized an Smart India Hackathon 2020-Internal Hackathon, Intra College Technical Event. |
1.2.2020 | Dr.A.C.Kaladevi, Dr.G.Kirubasri, & Ms.R.Priyadharshini, organized Project Evaluation through External Experts, The resource person is Dr.C.Oswald, AP, VIT,Chennai, Mr.AP.Meenakshisundaram, System Engineer, CTS, Chennai. |
01.02.2020 to 02.02.2020 | Department of CSE organized a Competitive Programming - Part1, Technical Event, The resource person is Sunderam Sankaran, Consultant, Swahithi Global, Chennai. |
08.02.2020 | Department of CSE organized a Competitive Programming - Part1, Technical Event, The resource person is Mayank Sekhar, Senior Software Engineer, Citrix India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore. |
14.02.2020 | Dr.K.C.Rajeswari, Prof.D.Vidyabharathi, DrV.Sathyamoorthi & Prof.G.Mohanraj, organized a Guest Lecture on “Multitude of Current Data using Databases”, The resource person is Ms. Sharon Sophia Stephen |
06.03.2020 | Ms.G.Vidhya & Ms.S.Vidhushavarshini organized a Krivaas- Codigo, Technical Event, at IBM Lab. |
06.04.2020 | Department of CSE organized a NAC-CISS 2020, Technical Event, National Web Conference on Computational Intelligence on Security and Systems |
27.04.2020 | Ms.R.Priyadharshini & Ms.V.Vinodhini organized a Plus Two Connect 2020, Competitive Programming. |
16/05/2020 | Dr J Jayanthi, Dr S Anitha Elavarasi & Mr M.Marimuthu, organized a Webinar on “Web Programming”, by Mr U.Udhayakumar System Engineer Specialist @ Infosys. |
31.05.2020 | Dr.A.C.Kaladevi & Dr.G.Kirubasri, organized a Webinar on “An introduction to Linux mint OS”, the resource person is Mr J Saravanabhavan, CISCO. |
14-05-2020 | Mr. Dhayanithi organized a APPATHON 2020, Technical Event, the resource persom is Mr. Kiran Krishna, Accenture. |
15-05-2020 | Mr. Dhayanithi, organized a Webinar on “Dart Programming Language”, by Mr J Dhayanithi, Assistant Professor, CSE, Sona College of Technology. |
15.05.2020 | Department of CSE organized a Competitive Programming, Foreign Nation students connect 2020. |
15.05.2020 | Department of CSE organized a Competitive Programming, Foreign Nation students connect 2020. |
16.05.2020 | Dr.K.C.Rajeswari, Prof.D.Vidyabharathi, DrV.Sathyamoorthi & Prof.G.Mohanraj, organized a Guest Lecture on “Database Design and Industry trends”, The resource person is Mr.Deepak Rathinavelu Sales Force, Technical consultant. |
16.05.2020 | Dr D Balamurugan, organized a Webinar on “An introduction to the Django Python web app framework”, The resource person is Mr R K Hariharan, Datacorp traffic. |
14-05-2020 to 18-05-2020 | Ms. V. Vinodhini, organized a 5 days FDP on “PHP and My SQL”, in association with spoken tutorial and IIT, Bombay. |
21-05-2020 to 23-05-2020 | Ms. V. Vinodhini, organized a 5 days FDP on “RDBMS Postgre SQL”, in association with spoken tutorial and IIT, Bombay. |
23.05.2020 | Dr.A.Prithiviraj & Ms.R.Reenadevi organized a Volant’20- CSE Project olympiad, Technical Event, the resource persons are Mr.R Kirankrishna, Accenture, Mr. V Akshay vyas, Zoho corp, Ms. Brindha Rajendran Ford, Mr. Viveksuriyan, VMWare Client & Ms.S.Ramya, Dell. |
27-05-2020 to 29-05-2020 | Mr. Dhayanithi, organized a 3 days FDP on “V Labs”, in association with resource perons Dr D Balamurugan & Mr J Dhayanithi. |
27-05-2020 to 29-05-2020 | Dr D Balamurugan, organized a 3 days FDP on “V Labs”, in association with resource perons Dr D Balamurugan & Mr J Dhayanithi. |
30.05.2020 | Department of CSE organized a FDC Programme on Online Teaching tools. |
30.05.2020 | Department of CSE organized a Competitive Programming - Part 3(Hackwithinfy), Technical Event, The resource person is Priyankraj, Software Developer Intern, Amazon, Bangalore. |
31.05.2020 | Dr D Balamurugan, organized a Webinar on “An introduction to Linux mint OS”, the resource person is Mr J Saravanabhavan, CISCO. |
13.06.2020 | Department of CSE organized a Competitive Programming - Part4(InfyTQ), Technical Event, The resource person is Nadhira, Power Programmer, Infosys, Bangalore. |