NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Sports Achievements 2020 - 2021

National Level Tournament
National Classic Power Lifting Championship 2022
S. No Name of the Students Year & Branch Organized by Date & Year Position
1 G. Vinoth BE Civil Final Year National Classic Power Lifting Championship 2022 held at Kasargod, Kerala. 10th to the 14th of August Gold Medal
Sona's student Ms.Thirumangai bagged Gold in Soft Tennis
S. No Name of the Students Year & Branch Organized by Date & Year Position
1 Ms. Thirumangai Mechanical Engineering 36th National Games of India 2022 held at Gujarat. Sept & Oct 2022 Gold Medal


Mr. Tamil Nadu Bodybuilding Championship
S. No Name of the Students Year & Branch Organized by Date & Year Position
1 G. Santhosh MCA 2nd Year The Veterans India Sports Association conducted the Mr. Tamil Nadu Bodybuilding Championship in Salem 12th September 2022 Bronze Medal

All India Inter University Tournament

S. No Name of the Students Year & Branch Organized by Date & Year Position
1 M. Soundappan III/AI&DS All India Inter University tournament at the University of Jammu 18th November 2022 Second Place
2 S. Karthi Krishna III/FT All India Inter University tournament at the University of Jammu 18th November 2022 Second Place
3 V. Navin Babu III/MECH All India Inter University tournament at the University of Jammu 18th November 2022 Second Place