Fashion Technology - Placement
The School's mission is to meet the technical manpower needs of the rapidly expanding garment industry by creating industry-ready graduates.
The special features of the FT Department are…
Excellent labs with industry-grade machinery for hands-on training in textile and garment skills
A comprehensive education and training package that more than meets every learner’s and industry’s needs
Well-qualified, dedicated faculty who constantly focus on student-centred development to bring out industry-specific graduates
Value-added training for soft skill development
Our Recruiters:
The Curriculum
The FT Department offers a UG degree in the discipline of Fashion Technology. The Autonomous curriculum is comprehensive, industry-focussed and job-oriented.
Major Theory Subjects
- Garment Production Machinery and Equipment
- Testing and Quality Control of Textiles and Apparel
- Yarn Manufacture
- Apparel Production Planning and Control
- Fashion Illustration
- Advanced Pattern Making
- Pattern Making
- Garment Production Machinery and Equipment
- Textile Science
- Quality Assurance in Apparel Production
- Garment Construction
- Principle of Management
- Fabric Manufacture
- Costing of Apparel Products
- Fabric Structure and Design
- Work-Study in Apparel Production
- Fashion Art and Design
- Embroidery and Surface Ornamentation
- Apparel Merchandising
- Operation Research and Plant Layout
- Management of Apparel Units
- Home Furnishing
- Dyeing, Printing and Pollution Control
Major Practical Subjects
Sketching and Model Drawing Lab
Dyeing, Printing and Finishing Lab
Pattern Creation Lab
Basic Garment Construction Lab
Fabric Structure and Design Lab
Computer Aided Marker Planning Lab
Advanced Pattern Making and Grading Lab
Testing and Quality Control Lab
Apparel Machinery Lab
Computer Aided Garment Design Lab
Work Study Lab
Project Work
What we do
We continuously strive to provide students with the following value-added learning opportunities besides the regular classroom or lab learning sessions.
- In-plant training at a garment/made-ups factory for in-depth study and report of processes
- Visits to reputed garment units for live work-study experiments and to get a feel of industry
- Industry-oriented project work (PW) with shop-floor activity or design-oriented PW
- Workshops to learn and practise soft skills, including…
- Identifying Individual SWOT Info
- Goal Setting
- Time Management
- Communication Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Social Skills
- Environmental Awareness
- Work Ethics, and so on…
- Compulsory technical seminars
- Regular student counselling
Contact :
For further details please contact…
Department of Fashion Technology,
Sona College of Technology,
Salem 636 005.
Phone – 4099999, 2443545.
Dr. D. Raja,
Professor and HOD ,
Phone: 91 - 427 - 4099835
Mobile : +91 9789287085
E-mail: rajad[At]
Mr. C. Rajesh Kumar,
Assistant Professor / Placement, Alumni and Branding Co-ordinator,
Phone: 91 - 427 - 4099832
Mobile : +91 9952202211
E-mail: rajesh[At]