NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Fashion Technology

Fashion Technology - Faculty Information

Head of the Department

Dr. D. Raja, Ph.D
Department of Fashion Technology,
Sona College of Technology, Salem - 636 005,
Tamilnadu, India
Ph: +91 - 427 - 4099999 / 4099835
E-Mail :

Teaching Staff List ( Contact no: 0427 - 4099 (Extn.No.) )
1 Dr. D. Raja Professor & HoD M.Tech., Ph.D
2 Dr. M. Ramesh Kumar Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
3 Dr. S. Priyalatha Associate Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
4 Dr. K. Mani Assistant Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
5 Dr. S. M. Udayakrithika Assistant Professor MFT., Ph.D
6 Mr. C. Rajeshkumar Assistant Professor M.Tech., (Ph.D)
7 Ms. M. Rashma Assistant Professor M.Tech., (Ph.D)
8 Mr. M. R. Karthikeyan Assistant Professor M.Tech., (Ph.D)
9 Ms. V. Gayathri Assistant Professor M.Tech.,
10 Mr. Tathagata Das Assistant Professor M.Tech., (Ph.D)


Non-Teaching Staff List ( Contact no: 0427 - 4099(Extn.No.) )
S.No. Name of the staff Qualification Designation
1. Mr. S. S. Suresh ME Research Associate
2. Ms. G. T Pavithra Shen M.Tech Junior Research Fellow
3. Ms. A. Menisha B.Tech Lab Technician
4. Mr. N. P.Kumar DMMFT, B.Sc Lab Technician
5. Ms. A. Bhuvaneshwari M.Tech Lab Technician
6. Mr. R. Yuvaraj B.A Lab Asst.