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Awards - Student Awards

Title: A novel 1KW hybrid wind and solar power system for domestic applications
Event: ICTACT student innovator award 2014 @ ICTACT bridge 2014 held @ Le meridian, Coimbatore.

students innovator award 2014ictact students innovator award 2014

wind and solar power  systems

T.Raja ganapathi

Generation of electricity causes substantial pollution. It is responsible for about one third of all carbon-dioxide emissions. Wind and Solar energy, used to produce electricity, can contribute to a reduction in emissions. Our wind turbine is capable of producing 700W of generator power at a wind speed of 9 m/s and the PV solar panel which delivers a power output up to 300W. The wind turbine design features a direct drive concept that eliminates the need for a transmission in the drive train. The direct drive was made possible by the use of an axial flux generator with permanent magnet and multiphase technology. The solar panel also gives the output so that the hybrid combination works for giving the power continuously. Students thanks Sona SPEED for their consistant support for completing the project.