NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Mechanical Engineering - Patents

S.No Academic Year Name of the Inventor(s) Title Application No. & Patent filed date Current Status
1 2021-2022 Mr.S..Laks hmanakumar, Dr.K. Venkatesh Raja A Cylindrical surface grinding Process using metal organic formulated magnetorheological fluid. 202241 022594, 17-04-2022 Granted No:527790, dt 15.03.2024
2 2021-2022 Dr.K.Muralidharan Robot to rescue a child in a bore hole using motor driven robot arms. 202241 030226, 26-05-2022 Application Published.
3 2021-2022 Mr.A.Mahendran, Dr.M.Pradeep Kumar Design and Development of Non-intersecting gear mechanism by forced ball drive. 202241 030494, 27-05-2022 Granted No:537073, Dt. 07.05.2024
4 2021-2022 Dr.M.Pradeep Kumar, Mr.A.Mahendran Rotary motion based starch removal electric rice cooker for traditional boiled rice serving. 202241 030490, 27-05-2022 Application Published.
5 2022-2023 Mr.U.Gobikrishnan A Hybrid measurements technology of welding synchronizations using computer vision for efficient tracking of workpiece. 202241 049672, 31.08.2022 Application Published.
6 2023-2024 Mr.A.Mahendran Real Time Monitorization of Industrial waste Water Using IOT Devices 20234 1070444 17/10/2023 Application Published.
7 2023-2024 Mr.U.Gobikrishnan Design and Fabrication of Smart helmet for Industrial workers using IOT 20234 1070446 17/10/2023 Application Published.
8 2023-2024 Mr.M.Sangeeth Kumar Automobile Load Control System 20234 1070443 17/10/2023 Application Published.
9 2023-2024 Mr.S.Lakshman Kumar Design and Development of A Hybird Air purification and Cooling System 20234 1088748 26/12/2023 Application Published.
10 2023-2024 Dr.Suresh V, Mr.Jagan S, Mr.Logesh S, Mr.Loknath S, Mr.Navaneeth M Power Generation Using Tidal Energy 20244 1009268 12/02/2024 Application Published.
11 2023-2024 Dr.Saravanan K.G, Mr.Nithishkumar N, Mr.Poovazhagan A.P, Mr.Ravi V, Mr.Roopakumar J Design and Fabrication of Customized Automated Rider 20244 1017300 11/03/2024 Application Published.
12 2023-2024 Mr.S.Lakshman Kumar Enhanced Waste Segregation Bin using IOT System 20244 1032335 24/04/2024 Application Published.
13 2023-2024 Dr.Saravanan KG, Mr.Swapnil Vasant Sonawane Design and Fabrication of lower Limb pneumatic Exoskeleton 20244 1032337 24/04/2024 Application Published.
14 2023-2024 Mr.Venk ataramanan A R Smart agricultural intervention system for precision Crop protection Using IOT And Robotics 20244 1032341 24/04/2024 Application Published.
15 2023-2024 Dr.Dominic A, Mr.Prasanth D Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System using GSM (Call And SMS) 20244 1032347 24/04/2024 Application Published.
16 2023-2024 Dr.Muralidharan K, Mr.Sathish Mahesh B M Integrated System for Child Rescue from Borehole 20244 1049778 28/06/2024 Application Published.
17 2023-2024 Mr.Sivaprakash A, Mr.Barath R, Mr.Dinesh Kumar S Automatic Speed controlling system Using AI 20244 1049769 28/06/2024 Application Published.
18 2023-2024 Dr.Muralidharan K, Mr.Sathish Mahesh B M Utilizing the Power of Safety Air Bag and vacuum Gripper Technologies for the child safe Borehole rescue system 20244 1049759 28/06/2024 Application Published.
19 2023-2024 Mr.Venk ataramanan A.R Design and Development of H and operated Crops Harvesting Machine 20244 1049711 28/06/2024 Application Published.

Mechanical Engineering - Grants

S.No Title of the Project Agency & Scheme PI & Co-PI Period in Years Status
1 Experimental Studies on Hydrogen Injection in Single Cylinder Constant Speed Diesel Engine Sona College / SEED Money Dr. S. Mahalingam, Dr. V. M. Madhavan, Dr. V. Ravikumar 2023-2024 Ongoing
2 Fabrication of vision based Guided Vehicle (VGV) for the Transit of Sona Faculties inside the Campus Sona College / SEED Money Dr. R. Yuvaraj 2023-2024 Ongoing
3 Smart fire Extinguisher (AI Robotics) VOLTAS Dr. D. Senthilkumar 2023-2024 Ongoing
4 Smart Robot to Rescue a Child in a Bore Hole SEED Money Scheme Dr. K. Muralidharan 2023-2024 Ongoing
5 Metal on Metal Superhydrophobic thin film coating by upgrading PVD system to DC Sputtering system SEED Money Scheme Dr. R. Yuvaraj 2023-2024 Ongoing
6 Fabrication of IOT Based Hyrophobic Coating KIT for Acid Erosion Method SEED Money Scheme Dr. D Senthilkumar, Mr. S. Suryakumar (IV), Climent C (III), Eshwar M (III), Jagadeesh A (III) 2021-2022 Ongoing
7 Metal Powder Infused Filament In 3d Printing Additive Manufacturing SEED Money Scheme Dr. D Senthilkumar, Mr. S. Suryakumar, Akash Kumar G, Adesh V, Abisheek B 2021-2022 Ongoing
8 Experimental Investigation of performance and Emission Characteristics of Multi Cylinder Innova (Crysta) Diesel Engine Using Biodiesel Blends with diesel. SEED Money Scheme Dr. S. Mahalingam, Dr. V. Ravikumar 2020-2022 Completed – June 2022
9 Development of Anti – Corrosive Coatings & Testing SEED Money Scheme Dr. A. Ranjith Kumar, Dr. K. Venkatesh Raja 2020-2022 Completed – June 2022
10 AICTE-MODROB AICTE – MODROB Dr. A. Jegan 2019-2021 Completed – July 2021
11 Extended of Components through Advanced Nanostructured (ELCAN) Coating for Engineering Applications Sultan Qaboos University, University in Muscat, Oman - R&D work & MOU Dr. A. Jegan 2021-2022 Completed - Oct 2022
12 J Management and Engineering Consultants, Chennai JMEC Dr. K. G. Saravanan, Mr. D. Sureshbabu 2020-2024 Ongoing
13 To establish an undercoat of composite Nickel by wet plating process on Brass Case (Brass with or without lead content) which will improve the Corrosion resistance property. TITAN INDUSTRY Dr. A. Jegan 2019-2020 Completed - March 2020
14 Design and Analysis of Vertical Tree Trimming SONA-STAR Dr. D. Senthilkumar, Mr. M. Manimurugan 2018-2020 Completed – Dec 2021
15 Facility Enhancement in Nano Manufacturing DST FIST Dr. D. Senthilkumar, Dr. P. Suresh 2016-2021 Completed – June 2021
16 Study of Dynamic Behavior of Defrosting on Super hydrophobic Surface AICTE - RPS Dr. D. Senthilkumar, Mr. R. Yuvaraj, Mr. K. Shanmugavel 2017-2020 Completed – 30-09-2020
17 Rural Women Technology Park DST - WTP Dr. M. Usha, Mr. A. Aravindh Balaji, Dr. S. Mahalingam, Mr. A. Ranjith Kumar 2017-2020 Completed – March 2020
18 Study of Drop Wise Condensation Underneath Super Hydrophobic Surfaces AICTE - RPS Dr. D. Senthilkumar, Mr. K. Shanmugavel 2011-2014 Completed – 30-01-2015
19 Design and Development of 3 axis Multipurpose Micro Machining Setup AICTE – RPS Dr. R. M. Arunachalam, Mr. P. Suresh 2011-2013 Completed
20 Design and analysis of light weight 5-axis robotic manipulator with indexing type end-effector ISRO Dr. M. Thangavel 2011-2013 Completed
21 Cooling of CPU with Composite Heat Sinks AICTE - RPS Dr. P. Govindharajan, Dr. R. Mohan 2011-2013 Completed
22 Development and Performance Analysis of a combined Micro EDM and Micro ECM Setup AICTE - CAYT Dr. R. M. Arunachalam 2008-2011 Completed
23 Low Cost Technique for Synthesis on Nano Structured Materials DST SERC Fast-Track Dr. R. M. Arunachalam 2007-2010 Completed
24 Studies on the Pulse Plating of Silver for the jewelry industries AICTE Dr. R. M. Arunachalam, Dr. Shanthi 2007-2009 Completed