NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Mechanical Engineering - Patents

S.No Name of the Applicant(s) / Assignee Name Name of the Inventor(s) Title Application No.
& Patent filed date.
Current Status
1 Sona College of Technology Dr. R. Venkatesan Design and development of cosine profiled extrusion die 4543/CHE/2014
Application Awaiting Examination
2 Dr. M. Thangavel Mechanisms for automating screw motion 4545/CHE/2014
Application Awaiting Examination
3 Dr. D. Senthil Kumar A method surface texture of copper for the enhancement of dropwise condensation 2450/CHE/2015
Application Published
4 Dr. A. Jegan Under activated finger mechanisms for space and prostatic applications. 5219/CHE/2015
Application Awaiting Examination
5 Dr. A. Jegan An Under – Actuated Finger Mechanism With Motion and Force Augmentation Capability 4287/CHE/2015
Application Awaiting Examination
6 Dr. A. Selvaraj Plate Cam Cutting Attachment 1915/CHE/2016 Granted
7 Sona College of Technology Mr.S..Lakshmanakumar Dr.K.Venkatesh Raja A Cylindrical surface grinding Process using metal organic formulated magnetorheological fluid 202241022594,
Application Awaiting Examination
8 Sona College of Technology Dr.K.Muralidharan Robot to rescue a child in a bore hole using motor driven robot arms. 202241030226,
Application Awaiting Examination
9 Sona College of Technology Mr.A.Mahendran
Dr.M.Pradeep Kumar
Design and Development of Non-intersecting gear mechanism by forced ball drive 202241030494,
Application Awaiting Examination
10 Sona College of Technology Dr.M.Pradeep Kumar
Rotary motion based starch removal electric rice cooker for traditional boiled rice serving 202241030490,
Application Awaiting Examination