NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Master of Computer Applications (MCA) - Events

Events 2014 – 2015
Month: June
1st Week Guest Lecture on” Placement Views by our Alumni”
Month: July
1st Week 8th Industry Institute Interaction
2nd Week Orientation Program for Lateral MCA Students
4th Week General Board Meeting with Student Representatives & Industry persons
Month: August

1st Week
One day National Workshop on “Importance of Soft Skills”
3rd Week Guest Lecture on “Attaining Proficiency in Campus Interview”
4th Week Orientation Program for 1st year MCA Students &   Fresher's Day
Month: September
1st Week Orientation Program for 1st year MCA Students
2nd Week Guest Lecture on “ORACLE & Career Opportunities”
Guest invites on “Placement Views by our Alumni”
Guest Lecture on “Computer Networks Tools and Techniques”
Guest Lecture on “Software Testing”
4th Week “Interview Day” by Industry Guest (Technical & HR)
Guest Lecture on “Succeeding in Technical Interview”
Month: October
2nd Week Workshop on  “PHP”
Month: January
1st Week Guest Lecture on “Interview Skills”
2nd Week Sponsored Seminar / Workshop / FDP on “Area of Co”
Month: February
1st Week Alumni Day
Month: March
3rd  Week National Conference
National Symposium “CYBERTALK 15”
4th Week National level seminar
Month: April
2nd Week Guest Lecture on “Industry and HR Perspective”

Month: May

2nd Week Projects Completed
Projects Rating
3rd Week Valedictory for MCA Association