NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Master of Computer Applications - Consultancy

Consultancy works for the department has been carried out by the in-house software development division.The details of software development as a consultancy are as under.
Management Information System (MIS): The MIS developed and installed in Sona College is fundamentally an educational information system built with a sense of appropriateness and coherence for all the stakeholders of the college.
The automated MIS modules are used for a host of functions, which are listed below:

  • Admissions
  • Student Registration
  • Students
  • Fees
  • Examination
  • Online Assessment
  • Academics
  • Staff
  • Student Feedback
  • Student Performance
  • Faculty Record Book
  • Placement
  • Faculty appraisal
  • Leave Management
  • HR Management
  • Hostels
  • Events
  • Dispatch
  • Security
  • SMS based services
  • Sona Times
  • Resource Maintenance
  • Standard Reports Generation
  • Quality Manual
  • Third Party Integration
  • Ad-Hoc Report Generation

Product Development

  • IMPS - Integrated Milk Procurement System for Cooperative Milk Societies
  • IntTEX - Software for Automation in Garment Manufacturing
  • SoftPLANT – Plantation Management Automation System
  • EIMS- Education Institute Management System
  • Admission Process Automation Systems for Polytechnic Colleges
  • Examination Process Automation System for Polytechnic Colleges
  • Problem Based Learning Software for Polytechnic Colleges