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Civil Engineering - Student Chapter

Indian Concrete Institute (ICI)


A green building is one which uses less water, optimizes energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less waste and provides healthier spaces for occupants, as compared to a conventional building. In order to accelerate a step towards the goal of sustainability, IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) students Chapter was initiated at Department of Civil Engineering, Sona College of Technology on 29.3.19. Followed by the inauguration, workshop on Green Building was conducted wherein external participants from various colleges actively participated to explore the concept Green Building.

Er.Ashok Kumar, Core Convener, CII-IGBC, Bangalore & Er. Mr.S.ARUNACHALAM, Structural Engineer, Safe Structures were invited as chief guest for the workshop. C.Valliappa, chairman of Sona group of Institutions presided over the function. Dr.S.R.R.Senthil Kumar, Principal, Sona College of Technology felicitated the programme and urged the students to acquire more on Green building concepts. Welcome address was proposed by Dr.R.Malathy, HoD/Civil and she emphasized the urge of the concept to achieve the goal of sustainability. Student chapter was inaugurated by the student team members comprises of Chairman, Secretary, treasurer and members. Projects like low cost Construction material display Boards and chair from waste rubber tyre were displayed to emphasis the shift to eco-friendly materials interms of sustainability. Around 75 students participated in the workshop and different modules like Evaluation parameters, Green building certifications were covered along with some case studies of green building in India. Technical events were also conducted between the sessions wherein students actively participated and thus explored to Green building concepts. Prize winners in the event were awarded and motivated to continue their learning process after the workshop. Dr.Gulshan Taj, IGBC Students Co-ordinator proposed vote of thanks and emphasized the need of the Green building concept in the context of modern construction techniques.

Green Building Inauguration
Green Building Inauguration