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Awards - Faculty Awards

A function was recently held by Nehru Group of Institutions to give away the Shri P.K. Das Memorial Best Faculty Award and Life Time Achievement Award to meritorious teachers on 15.12.15.

The function was headed by Padmashri Dr.K.R.Krishna Kumar, Chancellor, Avinasalingam University, Dr.A.K.Bhakshi, Former ED,Teritaty Education Commission, Mauritius and Former VC,UPRTOU, Allahabad

Dr.R.S.Sabeenian, Professor & Deputy HOD, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Centre Head Sona SIPRO has received “Shri P. K. Das Memorial Best Faculty Award under the Senior Category under ECE Stream” for southern states which carries a cash prize, a memento, shield and Certificate of Excellence.

Dr.R.S.Sabeenian received the same award under the Junior Category in the Year 2009.

It was a prestigious moment for family, friends, the Department and the Institution as Dr.R.S.Sabeenian had received the award both in the Senior and Junior Category.

The Management, Principal, Director-Academics, Vice Principal, HOD/ECE  all faculty and students wished Dr.R.S.Sabeenian more success and laurels in future.

Best Faculty award 2015