NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)
Few of our Prominent Recruiters - 2019 Batch | ||||
Sl.No | Name of the Company | Sl.No | Name of the Company | |
1 | Amazon | 31 | IBM | |
2 | Alp Consulting | 32 | ICICI Bank | |
3 | Adithya Birla Fashions | 33 | Infosys | |
4 | Amphisoft | 34 | Intimate Fashions | |
5 | Aspire Systems | 35 | IVTL Infoview | |
6 | Avanthika Designer Studio | 36 | Jay Jay Mills | |
7 | Axis Global & Automation | 37 | JBM Auto Pvt Ltd | |
8 | Career Net Consulting | 38 | JSW | |
9 | Checktronix | 39 | Juspay | |
10 | City Union bank | 40 | KAAR Tech | |
11 | Coding mart Technologies | 41 | Karvy | |
12 | Cognizant Technology Solutions | 42 | Mallow Technologies | |
13 | Creation Technology | 43 | MBIT Wireless | |
14 | Data Corp Traffic | 44 | Milekal Engineering | |
15 | Dattendriya | 45 | Mind Tree | |
16 | DBS | 46 | Mistral Solutions | |
17 | Decathlon | 47 | Motherson industries | |
18 | Deevita Technologies | 48 | Mu Sigma | |
19 | Dixcy Textiles | 49 | Neosme | |
20 | Elgi Equipments | 50 | Next Data science | |
21 | EPAM | 51 | OpenText Technologies | |
22 | Fabulyst | 52 | Petron | |
23 | First American (India) | 53 | Pratian Software | |
24 | Geo Design | 54 | Rally Rebar | |
25 | GoFrugal | 55 | Rebar Design | |
26 | Gokaldas Exports | 56 | Renault Nissan BCI | |
27 | Goldman Sachs | 57 | Robert Bosch | |
28 | HCL | 58 | SONA STAR | |
29 | Home First Finance | 59 | SONA STAR | |
30 | Human Resocia, Japan | 60 | SoqueTek |
and more ......