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Sona College of Technology inks MoU with TIINO Research Labs, Coimbatore

Sona College of Technology has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with TIINO Research Labs, TIINO TECHMATIONS, Coimbatore on 4th June 2014.  

Sona College of Technology won AICTE-CII survey for Best Industry-linked Technical Institute-2013 among 1050 survey participants. The college has been awarded Competition Success Review(CSR) Award for Excellence in Education for the year 2014. Sona College of Technology, has joined hands with Syracuse University, New York, USA, for offering a two-year MS programme in Computer Engineering.

TIINO TECHMATIONS is an innovative technology company focused on improving the quality of life by looking at problems in a multidisciplinary approach. TIINO RESEARCH LABS is involved in detailed investigation of the problem, identify feasible technological solutions, and analyze various tradeoffs.

This MoU facilitates sharing of academic and technical expertise, developing academic and scientific relationships, and supporting collaborative research and training activities. This MoU will open avenues for collaborative research in electrical, electronics, computer science, mechanical and civil engineering disciplines. The MoU will also enable the UG and PG students to undergo internship in an industrial environment.

Shri.C.Valliappa, Chairman, Sona Group of institutions, Sri.T.Muthusamy and Sri.R.Jayaraman, Directors, TIINO Research Labs signed and exchanged the MoU. Dr.M.Usha, Dean (Research) welcomed the gathering and insisted on the importance of collaboration of academia and industry. Dr.B.Sathiyabhama, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering proposed the vote of thanks. Dr.V.Jayaprakash, Principal, Sona College of Technology and Dr.C.V.Koushik, Director, Academics were present. They also felicitated the two organizations on signing the MoU.

mou signed with tiinu labs