NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)
The development and maintenance of infrastructural facilities in the campus has been most priority areas of activities in Sona College of Technology. The management is committed to maintain and develop the campus as a user – friendly and eco – friendly space with proper team work. The campus resources are administered by well-established through Management Informative System (MIS)
Classrooms and Laboratories:
The Infrastructure for each department and administration is taken care of by Infrastructure team with a team of faculty member who is nominated as Infrastructure Coordinator by the principal. All civil Maintenance, plumbing works, are registered by respective faculty/staff member through an online portal (MIS) and Maintenance coordinator. This portal provides a, message for the works registered and allocates the work to the department / administrative unit concerned, inspect the site, assess the work to be done and execute the work. The closure of the work is communicated to the faculty/staff member who registered the work in the portal.
Computer Labs:
The lab has maintained by a qualified and trained technical support staff for each department. Any minor repair work in the computer is attended by the support staff and major works are registered in the MIS and the same are solved by the Computer Maintenance Department (CMD). The Central servers, Operating and Application Software Management, Anti-virus and fire-wall services are maintained by the Computer Maintenance Department (CMD).
Electrical Installations and Utilities:
In the campus there is exclusive power house facilities are available to manage the power supply for the Department and administrative blocks. Separate power supply for hostels to provide seamless electrical supply. Adequate generator facilities are available besides UPS support to all laboratories and academic departments. Periodical Maintenance is carried out by government agencies and certificates are renewed every year. Lifts are separately maintained by the available in the campus.
The library is automated by the Software AUTO LIB. It is maintained for issuing books to the borrowers. They are well maintained in racks as per the standard protocols governing the library management system. Every year books are properly scruntised and do a stock verification by faculty in circular manner.
Sports complex:
The sports complex is maintained by Physical director and physical directress with a supporting team of Instructor and a supporting staff. Medical Centre is functioning with a trained physician and nurse. Well-equipped fitness Centre is available at the sports complex for the staff members and students. The swimming pool is available at the sports complex with properly operating pool filtration and re-circulation system maintained by infrastructure team.