IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell)
Goals And Objectives
Autonomous Status and Curriculum Development
- To implement Choice based credit system in the Autonomous – Regulations 2015R
- To assess the level of attainment of vision and mission, PEOs, POs once a year and COs once in 6 months for all programmes
- To conduct academic audits for all programmes at least once a year
- To introduce and implement 6 months full time Project during 8th semester for all branches from 2015 regulation onwards
Staff Development
- To organise a minimum of two pedagogical training programmes per year for new teaching faculty and for those who require additional training
- To organise at least one common skill-development programme per year for the supporting staff
Teaching–Learning Process
- To review student performance in CIE tests for all departments within 2 weeks of completion of the tests
- To attain 100% utilization of the digital learning platforms (Moodle/Blackboard/LCS) by all teaching faculty by October 2017
- To register and complete atleast two relevant MOOC courses/ 1 MOOC course and 1 FDP/industrial training( not less than 5 days) by all teaching faculty per year
- To appoint two adjunct faculty from industry for every programme
Co-Curricular Activities
- To organise one international conference every two years such that major disciplines have a conference once in 5 years
- To conduct coaching classes for national level competitive exams like UPSC, GATE etc and to ensure that 2 students from each department clear the exams successfully
Extracurricular Activities
- To Periodically carryout extra-curricular activities through NCC, NSS, YRC and other Clubs
- To be within the top three rank of Anna University, Chennai sports meet and to achieve at least 5 medals at the national/international level
Infrastructure Development
- To follow up on the construction of a University Block and complete it by 2019
- To form a Purchase - Executive committee and conduct purchase approval meeting once a year for carrying out budget utilization and infrastructure maintenance
- To achieve 95% campus placement of eligible & interested candidates by June-July every year with an average student's salary of 3 Lakhs every year
R&D, Industry- Institute Interaction, Continuing Education, Consultancy, Incubation
- To sign MoUs or enter into collaborations with a minimum total of ten industries for mutually-beneficial interaction and organise at least 10 joint programmes
- To organise a minimum of 40 continuing education courses / programmes for the benefit of society in the region and generate 45 Lakhs through Continuing Education Centre
- To achieve R& D grants and revenue generation through consultancy, training and testing services etc. to the tune of Rs.3. Crores
- To get NBA accreditation for the UG programmes of Civil, CSE, ECE & IT and PG programmes MBA and MCA
Security System
- To implement RFID in the library and for stock taking
NAAC Peer Team Visit - Video