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9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Sona Women's Technology Park

How Women Technology Park is changing lives

Shanti, 31, now leads a self-help group with six others, making paver blocks, leaving her daily wage days behind. Differently-abled Rajni, 36, is elated that she can confidently compete with others with a garment maker in rural Salem and earn a living for herself and her family, thanks to a novel sewing machine that she can operate easily with just her hands.

These are just two examples of scores of women who are now carving out a new means of earning self-respect, regular income thanks to the Women Technology Park initiative by Sona College of Technology.

Valliappa Foundation, Centre for Social Responsibility Initiatives and other Sona Group institutions are opening up a world of new opportunities, uplifting the lives of not only hundreds of women, but also their families.

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Hand Sewing Machine

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Silver Anklet Polishing

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Solar Food Drying

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Steel Slag Pavers

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Waste Paper Recycling

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