Date(s) - 17/09/2022 - 02/10/2022
12:00 am
The combined annual training camp cum IGC launch camp was organized by 4TN BN NCC Coimbatore. There were a total of 105 cadets have been selected for this camp from various units of the Coimbatore group. In this camp, we cadets got trained by an Instructor from MADRAS REGIMENT NAIK CHALAPATHY, According to our performances in various categories like Best cadet, Drill, Weapon drill, Guard of honor, and Cultural.
In this way at the end 75 cadets have been selected for the IGC RDC camp which is gonna be held in Madurai and organized by 28TN BN Vrishunagar, Madurai. And the Kit was issued to all selected 75 cadets. And at the end of the IGC LAUNCH CAMP GROUP COMMANDER Of the Coimbatore Group motivated us to win IGC RDC CAMP IN MADURAI.
And we continued the camp at NTA MADURAI IGC RDC Which was about all 6 groups competing with each other in various events like a Contingent drill, PM rally, Flag area, and Culturals. And at the end we the Coimbatore group got the overall championship continuing our 8th consecutive championship in IGC RDC. And there at the end Selection for all individual cadets has been done. For the next camp. And 50 of our Coimbatore group cadets have been selected for the next camp. And this made a very huge experience for all the cadets who attended the IGC RDC. And at the end DDG ATUL KUMAR RASTOGI of TAMILNADU DIRECTORATE GIVE PRIZES TO ALL THE WINNERS OF THE CAMP. And he gave a motivational talk to all cadets and ANO AND PI STAFFS OF ALL THE 6 GROUPS.
FINALLY WE hand over THE Trophy to our Coimbatore group commander in headquarters Coimbatore.
Name of the organization : 28 TN BN NCC, Virudhunagar, Madurai
Dated :17/09/2022 TO 24/09/2022 & 26/09/2022 TO 02/10/2022
Number of participation : 01