NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)


SONA Student Speakers Forum - A forum for every sonatan to speak

The Sona Students’ Speakers’ Forum (SSSF) has been constituted with the aim of making students to become good speakers with ABC –A: Accuracy, B: Brevity, C: Clarity. The programs of Speakers’ Program will also include, quizzes, solving puzzles and riddles, increasing vocabulary, Lateral thinking, among others. The Forum will drive away Stage Fear in students and make them great orators who will speak fluently and with confidence. Students will be encouraged to present information of Current interest in Science and Technology. The presentation will be Oral, Power Point and or Video clips.

The program is designed to make it informative and enjoyable at the same time. Innovative techniques will be utilized to make the presentation easily understandable and useful. Students can present ideas that they have encountered while reading in the library, Activities of their clubs, summary of seminars and conferences held by the departments.

Sona Students Speakers Forum

There will be an interesting Question and Answer session at the end of presentation to make the program informative and stimulating. Participants in the Speaker’s forum will be, in addition to gifts, will be given Participatory certificates which they can add to their C.V.

The proceedings of the Speakers Forum will be video graphed and will be kept as a reference material in the library for students to make use of them at convenient time. The Activities of Speakers’ forum will create leadership qualities, team work, Problem solving skills and increased usage of the Library materials.

Due to the confidence gained by ‘Addressing an Audience’, increase in the quality of communication skills, Industry Awareness, critical thinking acquired in Speakers’’ Forum, placement opportunities are also expected to increase. When they acquire jobs the students will find it easier to work with colleagues due to ingenious communication, leadership skills and information and knowledge acquired in the Speakers’ Forum. In short they will be ready to start working without any need for training.

With Sona Speakers’ Forum becoming popular and beneficial, it will be considered a privilege to participate in the Forum.


Club coordinators

Dr. S. Anita,Professor and Head / Placement Training
Dr. M. Renuga,Professor and Head / Department of Humanities and Languages.