NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Womens Club

Facilities - Women's Club

Activities of the cell during the year 2017-2018

The election for the office bearers was conducted for the student nominees and following students were selected for the academic year 2017 – 2018.

  • CHAIRPERSON - Ms.A.S.NIVEDITHA IV Year, B.E. Mechanical Engineering
  • SECRETARY - Ms.R.KIRUBA III Year, B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • JOINT SECRETARY - Ms. A.SIVAPPRIYA II year, B.Tech – Information Technology

The Women Empowerment Committee inaugural function for the academic year 2017- 2018 was conducted on 25.09.2017 .The chief guest for the function was Dr.Jayanthasri Balakrishnan, M.A, M.Phil., Ph.D (English)., M.Ed., M.A., Ph.D(Tamil) , former professor of English in PSG college of Arts and Science, Coimbatore and Public speaker).A motivation speech was delivered by the chief guest under the topic "Values that women stand for to build a strong society: Need of the hour" for second year UG girl students.

  • Prof.Dr.Jayanthasri Balakrishnan through her inspirational and thought provoking speech kindled the minds of all the students and the faculty members. She spoke about the importance of our culture, family values and the self respect that a woman should possess and also about the respect that a woman should give for the society, family members and others. She spoke about the significance of parent's role in growing their children to face the society with more moral and cultural values. She also asked all the members to take a silent oath of "Say no gossip about any growing women". She concluded the speech by highlighting the importance of parents and teachers in everyone's life. The entire speech was very meaningful

A series of special events were conducted for the girl students of Sona college of technology as "Ms .Geek 2K18" from 18.1.2018.The details of the events are as follows

18.01.18 ADZAP Marketing the given technical product in commercial and fascinating manner
18.01.18 VISION Showcasing the artistic talent by drawing, painting and craft modeling
19.01.18 SHE HACKS Debugging the given code using C and C++
19.01.18 FACE OFF Debate in the given topic
20.01.18 LA-FEMME Mehandi , Nail Art, Hair styling ,Cookery
24.01.18 JAM Speaking in the given topic for one minute
24.01.18 Ms.FUNNY BONES Stand up comedy on stage
01.02.l8 RJ AND VJ Radio and video jockey
10.2.18 LILT AND VOCAL QUEST Solo and group singing and dancing
Activities of the cell during the year 2016-2017

The election for the office bearers was conducted for the student nominees and following students were selected for the academic year 2016 – 2017.

  • CHAIRPERSON - Ms.S.R.Ragavi IV year, B.E - Computer Science and Engineering
  • SECRETARY - Ms. Aparna III Year, B.Tech – Information Technology
  • JOINT SECRETARY - Ms. S.Annapoorani II year, B.E -Electronics and Communication Engineering

Women Empowerment Committee meeting was held on 06.07.2016 to discuss the safety measures of girl students and calendar events for the academic year 2016-2017.

The Women empowerment committee of Sona college of Technology in coordination with SKS hospital has organized a guest lecture on the topic "Cancer Awareness" for female staff members on 27-10-2016. The chief guest for the function is Dr.V.Dhavashree,MBBS,DGO,DLS (Germany),ART(Singapore) consultant obstetrician & Gynaecologist, SKS Hospital.

A series of special events were conducted for the girl students of Sona college of technology from 4.1.2017 to 11.1.2017

  • Quiz competition was conducted on 4.1.2017
  • Mehandi and nail art on 5.1.2017
  • Debugging code was conducted on 6.1.2017
  • Paper presentation and multimedia on "Women Empowerment " theme was conducted on 7.1.2017 to improve their presentation skills.
  • In order to improve the speaking skills "impromptu" and word connection game was conducted on 8.1.2017 and 9.1.2017.

Dance competition for girl students were conducted on 4.3.2017.

Women's day celebration 2017 was organized on March 8th 2017 . the chief guest for the function were 1)Dr. Savitha Rani.M.,a Head, Training and Placement Department, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore .2)Mrs G.Rajalakshmi, COO & Director, Cenza Technologies Private Limited, Chennai.

Women Empowerment committee in coordination with the KOFUKAN SHITO – RYU KARATE SCHOOL INDIA, affliated by Karate Association of India (KAI) , Asian Karnataka- Do federation .World karate – Do federation .recognized by : Govt of India.(Ministry of youth affairs) has organized a Silambam workshop from 3.3.2017 to 23.3.2017 from 5:00p.m – 6:00p.m.

A team of six faculty members from various departments of Sona College of Technology attended the NHRD Hosur Chapter International Women's day 2017 celebration on 30-3-2017 at Hosur.

NHRD Hosur Chapter organised a "Special Industry Visits" for the Lady Faculty members of Engineering Colleges on the eve of "International Women's day celebration 2017" on 30-3-2017. Women Empowerment committee of Sona College of Technology, arranged a team of six faculty members from various departments and visited the following companies

  • Luk India private Limited
  • Field Fresh Private Limited
Activities of the cell during the year 2015-2016

The election for the office bearers was conducted for the student nominees and following students were selected for the academic year 2015 – 2016.

  • CHAIRMAN - – Ms.S.Deepika IV year,B.Tech – Information Technology
  • SECRETARY - Ms. V.Raghavi III Year, B.E - Computer Science and Engineering
  • JOINT SECRETARY - Ms. Soundarya Lakshmi II year, Master of Computer Applications
  • ORGANIZING COMMITTEE HEAD - Ms.S.Dhattchaini III year, Electronics and Communication Engineering

Inauguration of WOMEN EMPOWERMENT COMMITTEE for the year 2015-2016 was organized on 17th October 2015 and a special guest lecture was delivered on "PCOS- awareness" for the girl students of Sona by Dr.A.Ezhilmathi, M.D., (OG) Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist and Dr.S.Niraimadhi , D.D Consultant dermatologist and Cosmetologist, SIMS Chellum Hospital.

SONA WOMEN EMPOWERMENT COMMITTEE in coordination with THIAGARAJR POLYTECHNIC had organized a special talk on "CAREER OPPURTUNITIES IN CIVIL SERVICES" by Mrs.R JayaLakshmi ., I.P.S .Intelligence Hyderabad , Andra Pradesh on 8-12-2015

Women Empowerment Committee in coordination with Manavalakalai organized " KAYAKALPAM" workshop for the girl students of Sona on 12-01-2016 and 13-01-2016.

Introductory speech on Stop the Violence – Activate workshop was be delivered by Mr.RaviShekar Sinha IRSS, Additional Divisional Railway Manager (ADRM) of Salem Railway Division.

A Special Workshop on "Stop the Violence – Activate " was organized by Women Empowerment Committee in coordination with The Southern railway Bharat Scouts and Guides and Prithviraj scouts group southern division for both the male and female gender students Smt.Indrani Rao , State Organizing Commissioner Guides of Sona college of technology on 11.02.2016

League off leonas – a platform for the girl students to exhibit their talents was conducted from 28th January to 5th February 2016 in various fields like Arts, Aptitude, Innovation and Technical events.

  • Aptitude and Quiz prelims were conducted on 28-1-2016
  • Designing debugging event and painting event were conducted on 29-1-2016
  • Paper presentation and Art from waste competition were conducted on 01-02-2016
  • Multimedia , Mehendi and Nail art were conducted on 02-02-2016
  • Quiz finals and Rangoli event were conducted on 03-02-2016
  • Speech, debate ,vegetable carving and cookery competitions were held on 05-02-2016
  • Solo and Group Dance were conducted on 06-02-2016

International Women's day celebration preparatory meeting was conducted on 03.03.2016 at 11:30 am in Mechanical Conference hall with the committee members and faculties In charges.

International Women's day celebration 2016 was celebrated on 08-03-2016 in Sona Auditorium .The guests of honour for the function was Dr.G.Rubalakshmi,Ph.D,MD,GRD Bio clinical Research,Namakkal and Ms.Shylaja chetlur,Media artist anf film maker, Chennai.

  • Dr.R.Rubalakshmi gave a motivating and inspiring speech to the students regarding the development of entrepreneurship and about the bio recyclable products that are introduced in her company. She also spoke about his research work for curing cancer.
  • Ms.Shylaja Chetlur kindled the brains of the students through her speech. She discussed about the various opportunities in film industry.