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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sona College of Technology organized its 5th National Conference on Computational Intelligence, Security and Systems (NAC-CISS’15) on 10th April 2015. The conference was sponsored by IEEE Madras Section, Computer Society of India, IEEE Computer Society and conducted in association with ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu.

Dr.M.Usha, Dean (PG and R&D) initiated the inaugural function by welcoming the gathering.  Dr.N.P.Gopalan, Professor, NIT Trichy gave Inaugural address to the audience by focusing his speech on sustainable development in IT sector. He also pointed out the educational difference between India and other countries. He also mentioned that the cause of recession is due to unskilled employers and not because of the IT downfall.

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Mr.H.R.Mohan, Chairman of IEEE-Computer Society and vice-chairman of IEEE Madras Section gave a special address about Internet of Things connecting 50 billion devices all over the world by 2020. He also pointed out that there will be 10,000 billion job opportunities by the year 2020.

While delivering the Presidential address, Dr.V.Jayaprakash, Principal, Sona College of Technology mentioned that about 98% of Sona students were placed in 2014-15. He also stated that “Computational Intelligence should come from one’s own intelligence. There is no better system than human being, the only problem is security. People enabling growth though technology are building our nation. ”

Mr.Murale Narayanan Director, EMC APJ Center of Excellence, INDIA, gave keynote address on “The New Digital Era – How technology and market are shaping up our future”. He also mentioned in his speech about the need of mobile applications, cloud computing and Big data and open source tools.

More than 100 papers were received and 50 papers were shortlisted by reviewers from industry and academia based on the quality, originality and contribution to the research in the country. Authors of the papers gave oral presentation before the jury in five different tracks (Computer Networks, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Image Processing and Software Engineering).

Dr. R.S.D. Wahida Banu, Principal, Government College of Engineering, Salem was the chief guest for the valedictory function. While delivering the valedictory address she pointed out the importance of Artificial Intelligence and its applications. Conference certificates were awarded to all the presenters and participants. The NAC-CISS’15 proceedings is being brought out as a special issue in the International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research (ISSN:973-4562).