NAAC-Accredited 'A' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

SONA is the engineering institution in India which introduced the lecture Capture system in the teaching learning process. Lecture Capture systems is a Comprehensive Video-Based Learning Platform used in Sona Group of Institutions.

A Comprehensive Video-Based Learning Platform

Lecture Capture system is an automated audio-video recording solution for class room lectures. It provides access to classroom video lectures and activities in online. Students can access the recorded video lectures and other materials from anywhere through laptops, tablets and Android platform by using URL:

Lecture Capture System— Better Learning through Recorded class room Video lectures

Students can watch the missed/completed classroom recordings – anytime; anywhere;  any place.

Benefits of using Lecture Capture system

  • Students can access the video lectures anytime, anywhere (through internet access if you stay outside the college otherwise students can reach to service using a
  • Discover new types of curated content to supplement classroom lectures
  • Collaborate, which improves comprehension
  • Achieve a deeper and more current understanding
  • Use tools for easy revision, asking questions and interacting with peers.
  • Focus on understanding the class rather than taking notes
  • Availability of all contents at one place
  • Students can ask questions anytime through discussion forum.
  • Follow People/ Topics – Follow people and topics to learn from them and take advantage of peer learning.
  • Content Catalog – Content catalog has all the courses that are being taught in college on lecture capture platform.
  • Heat Map – Check out which portions of the lecture are most exciting and are been watched the most!

For any queries related to using a SONA LECTURE CAPTURE SYSTEM, you can reach us in the following

Email id:    Contact:  0427- 4099879