Date(s) - 13/08/2023
12:00 am
The combined annual training camp cum RDC trg-1 camp was organized
by 6(TN) MED COY NCC COIMBATORE. There were a totalof 300 cadetsin this camp
fromvarious units oftheCoimbatore group. In this camp, we cadets got trained fully on
Here in this camp we cadets are given the test in all to outshine our talents in culture,
communication skills, and general knowledge.According to this wegotcategorizedand
selected forthe next combined annual training camp cum RDC trg-II camp which was
organized by 5 (TN) GIRLS BN NCC, coimbatore. Here we got trained according to our
talents in the drill, culturals and best cadet.
Here the best cadets got trained in firing, group discussion, lecturate, Special subjects,
and general knowledge. And this camp was the final training and selection camp where there
was a full filtration process. In camp, there were a total of 200 cadets. And here we faced
two selection processes. Since the next camp was all about only training and no more
selection process for cadets. And at last total of 107 cadets got selected for the next IGC
launch camp by the OC OF 4(TN) BN NCC Coimbatore Lt.Col.Bharat Singh for drill and oc
of 5(TN) GIRLS BN NCC coimbatore selected for culturals and CO of 2(TN)AIR SQDN
NCC coimbatore. selected for best cadet. Finally our CDT ROHINTH K R
selected for IGC launchcamp.
Name of the organization :6 (TN) MED COY & 5 (TN) GIRLS BN NCC,
Dated : 13 /08/2022 TO 20/08/2022 & 05/09/2022 TO12/09/2022
Number of participation : 02