Date(s) - 10/11/2022
12:00 am
On 10th November, the senior cadets were interact with the juniors about the NCC,
NCC’s moto, why NCC is important, what are the benefits after joining NCC, advantages
of NCC over central and state government examinations, SSB, and in placements also. On
those examinations, they gave some advantage marks for ncc cadets like 3 – 10 marks. In
SSB (Service Selection Board) examination, they offered to the NCC cadets that no need
to write the written examination. They can attend the interview directly. NCC is the best
platform to interact with the juniors and seniors. They gain more and more experiences
from them. It makes the students to interact with other departments also. It makes the
Unity and Discipline more stronger. The NCC cadets are more punctual and best in time
management. The juniors are interact with the seniors and so many cadets from each and
every department very express their desire to join NCC. On the same day, the SD cadets
performed the demo drill for juniors. After the demo drill, the seniors and ANO sir interact
with juniors and gave some speech on NCC.
Name of the organization : Sona College of Technology
Dated : 10/11/2022
Number of participation : 16