Completed research projects:
- DST sponsored research project titled 'Structural Behaviour of GFRP-Geopolymer Concrete Composites' under FAST TRACK SCHEME FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS – (2012-2015)
- Development of ferrocement roofing units using geopolymer composite mortar
- Design and Development of Railway component using Geopolymer Composites
- Structural & Durability aspects of fibrous geopolymer composite roofing units
- Development of repair and strengthening material using Geopolymers
- Development and Testing on Pond ash and fly ash Bricks and its Masonry.
- Testing on Pond ash and fly ash Brick masonry loading with parallel to the mortar joints
- Testing on Pond ash and fly ash Brick masonry loading with perpendicular to the mortar joints.
- Testing on Pond ash and fly ash bricks and its masonry with ferrocement confinement.
- Development of High volume Fly ash concrete.
- Development of High strength concrete.
- Development of High performance concrete.
- Development of Coal ash concrete with use of Pond ash as fine aggregate.
- Testing on Proto type Reinforced concrete column with Pond ash as fine aggregate concrete. .
- To enhance the strength of the R.C.C column with various Techniques
- Testing on Reinforced concrete Beam with Pond ash fine aggregate for strength and durability..
- Testing on Reinforced Concrete Slab with Pond ash fine aggregate for strength and durability.
- Development of Fly ash coarse and fine aggregates for fly ash aggregate concrete.
- Introduction of different types of Stiffeners to enhance the strength of Castellated steel beam.
- Validation of the Test results from the castellated beam with Finite Element Techniques.
- Testing on Delta Beam used in the Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete Structures.
- Testing on Cold Form Steel Columns with different Slenderness Ratios.
- Testing on Model Tower to predict the strength of Proto Type High Tension Steel tower.
- Testing on Confined Concrete Column with steel Tubes with various slenderness ratios
Ongoing research Projects :
- Strength And Behaviour Of Innovative Cold Formed Steel Section Under Flexure
- Experimental And Numerical Investigation Of Moment Resisting 2-d Steel Frame
- Investigation On The Strength And Behavior Of Cold-formed Built-up Interlocking Closed Section Under Compression
- Behaviour Of Cold Formed Triangular Steel Section Under Bending
- Experimental And Numerical Analysis Of Precast Frame
- Experimental Study On Load Carrying Capacity Of 3d Triangular Truss
- Study On Flexural Behaviour Of Hybrid Timber And Plastic Composite I-beam
- Study On The Behaviour Of Shear Connectors In Steel-concrete Composite Bridge Deck Slabs
- Experimental Study On Load Carrying Capacity Of Cold Formed Built Up C Section Column With Intermediate Stiffeners
- Experimental Study On Castellated Beam With And Witout Stiffeners
- Experimental Study On Flexural Behaviour Of Cold Formed Steel Built Up Box Section With Web Castellation
- Behaviour Of Cold Formed Built-up Box Steel Section Under Bending
Academic Research Projects:
- Strength Assessment of Energy Efficient Carbon Entrapping Concrete with foundry sand as partial fine aggregate
- Experimental study on partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Glass wastes and cement with Fly ash
- Study on performance enhancement of steel slag aggregate concrete using particle packing theory
- Determination of concrete compressive stremght from Non Destructive test results using Artificial Neural Network
- Experimental study on the behavior of lipped angle cold-formed steel column
- Experimental investigation on influence of flyash in self cured fibre reinforced concrete
- Experimental study on load carrying capacity of cold formed steel Built-up columns
- Experimental study on behavior of RC beam using concrete mixed with magnetically treated water
- Influence of micro concrete and Nitowrap on the behavior of RC beams
- Strengthening of RC beams using polymer laminates
- Experimental study on the behavior of reinforced concrete slab with flyash aggregate concrete
- Experimental study on behavior of steel tubular composite column filled with recycled waste
- Corrosion study on reinforced concrete slab with replacement of fly ash with various percentage in cement concrete
- Study on strength properties of concrete with partial replacement of coarse aggregate by EOF steel salg
- Experimental study on concrete with partial replacement of cement by phospogypsum
- Investigation on structural behavior of Hybrid fibres in M25 grade concrete with partial replacement of cement using GGBS
- Comparative Study On Flexural Strength Of Rc Beam Using Basalt Fiber Polymer As A Reinforcement
- Study on blast loading on steel frame
- Strengthening of reinforced concrete beam using synthetic fabrics
- Experimental study on polymer concrete with partial replacement of cement by ground granulated blast furnace slag
- Experimental investigation of high strength geo polymer concrete
- Experimental study on axial load carrying capacity of steel concrete composite columns
- Study of strength characteristics of fly ash aggregate in light weight concrete
- Study the shear strength of fly ash aggregate concrete beam with steel fibres