NAAC-Accredited 'A++' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)


SCI Publications:

  1. Vaijayanthimala, J., and T. Padma. "Synthesis Score Level Fusion Based Multifarious Classifier for Multi-Biometrics Applications." Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 9.8 (2019): 1673-1680.
  2. Vaijayanthimala, J., and T. Padma. "Multi-modal biometric authentication system based on face and signature using legion feature estimation technique." Multimedia Tools and Applications 79.5 (2020): 4149-4168.
  3. Shanthy, R., and T. Padma. "A zone routing protocol incorporated with sleep scheduling for MANETs." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12.3 (2021): 4181-4191.
  4. Anitha, S. and Padma, T., A web service-based internet of things framework for mobile resource augmentation, Int J Commun Syst., 33(12), 1-17, August 2020.
  5. Balakrishnan, N., and S. P. Shantharajah. "Histogram-Equalized Hypercube Adaptive Linear Regression for Image Quality Assessment." Sādhanā 44.7 (2019): 1-11.


  1. Anitha, Subbarayan, and Theagarajan Padma. "A Neuro-Fuzzy Hybrid Framework for Augmenting Resources of Mobile Device." International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 20.05 (2021): 1519-1555.


  1. Gafoor, Syed Haroon Abdul, and Padma Theagarajan. "Intelligent approach of score-based artificial fish swarm algorithm (SAFSA) for Parkinson's disease diagnosis." International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics (2022).
  2. Natarajan, Balakrishnan, and Pushpalatha Krishnan. "Contrast Enhancement Based Image Detection Using Edge Preserved Key Pixel Point Filtering." COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 42.2 (2022): 423-438.      
  3. J Suji Priya, A Real-Time Cloud-Based Machine Learning System with BDA to Detect and Classify Diabetes Health Care Radio Activity, ISSN: 2277-4998/DOI:, Vol.10, Issue 11(Special Issue) and pg. no. 432-441, International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Science, April 2022.
  4. S Aruna, Prediction of Leaf Disease Utilizing Internet of Things, ISSN:2277-4998/DOI:, Vol.No.10, Issue 11 and pg. no. 540-550, International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Science, November 2021.
  5. A Suhana Nafais, “Analysis of Surveillance of Infectious Diseases Based on Artificial Intelligence”, E-ISSN:2277-1808, Volume-11, Issue 5,, Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences.

SCOPUS Publications:

  1. Mir, Shabir Ahmad, and T. Padma. "Integrated technology Acceptance Model for the evaluation of agricultural decision support systems."Journal of Global Information Technology Management 23.2 (2020): 138-164.
  2. Gomathi, B., R. Sujatha, and T. Padma. "Fusion of Classification with Hybrid Optimization Technique to Predict Diabetes.", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-3, February 2020.
  3. Vanitha, S and Padma T, "Classification and Prioritization of the Disease-Causing Risk Factors in Cotton Crop Cultivation using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process." International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 13 (2019), pp. 350-360, February 2020.
  4. Vanitha, A., Aruna, S., Balakrishnan, N., A Comprehensive Method on Fog Computing using Internet of Things, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume No 9, Issue 5, March 2020, BEIESP publisher.
  5. Balakrishnan N, Vanitha A, Image Quality Assessment using Deep Learning methodology, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,  ISSN: 2005-4238 (Print), ISSN: 2207-6360 (Online), Volume 29 No 4, 2020.
  6. Vanitha A, Balakrishnan N, Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Network through Hybrid Mac Protocol, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238 (Print), ISSN: 2207-6360 (Online), Volume 29 No 8, 2020.


  1. Komalavalli, D., and T. Padma. "Swarm intelligence-based task scheduling algorithm for load balancing in cloud system." International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 12.1 (2021): 1-16.
  2. Komalavalli, D., and T. Padma, “A Survey and Taxonomy of various aspects of Cloud Computing Techniques”, High Technology Letters, ISSN: 1006-6748, Vol No. 26, Issue No. 12, 2020, January 2021.
  3. Vanitha, S and Padma T. "Decision Support Model for Prioritization of Cotton Plant Diseases using Integrated FAHP-TOPSIS approach." Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12.10 (2021): 7587-7596.
  4. Balakrishnan, N., Smoothen Edge Preservation using Rapid Bilateral Filter Process, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 11585-11590, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021,
  5. Subramanian Aruna, and Subramani Appavupillai. "Trust Sensitive Dual Cluster Head Based Routing Scheme to Isolate Misbehaving Nodes in MANET." ISIC. 2021-Springer Conference.
  6. Umamaheswari, P., S. Aruna, and T. Padma. "Simulation of SIR Deterministic Epidemic Model in Infectious Disease Prediction using R Programming." Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology (2021): 1397-1404.
  7. Aruna, S., P. Umamaheswari, and J. Sujipriya. "Prediction of Potential Gold Prices using Machine Learning Approach." Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology (2021): 1385-1396.
  8. Vanitha, A., Balakrishnan, N., A responsiveness model for privacy conservation against antagonist and fake user in cyber-physical and online social networks, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1767, Feb 2021, 012051, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1767/1/012051.
  9. Priya, J. Suji, et al. "Block Chain (Binary Relevance Method) Using Machine Learning Technique." Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology (2021): 1537-1548.
  10. Deepa, D., Suhana Nafais A. "Analyzing the Performance of Bidirectional Transformer and Generalized Autoregressive Permutation Pre-trained Language Models for Sentiment Classification task." Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 25.6 (2021): 7598-7604.


  1. Padma, T., and S. P. Shantharajah. "Evaluation of risk causing factors for the incidence of neck and shoulder pain in adolescents using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process." International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 13.3 (2021): 254-274.
  2. Suji Priya J, and Padma T. "ACOBAT–A Reinforcement Learning Based on Fused ACO and BAT Algorithm for Spectrum Sharing." Design Engineering (2021): 6740-6756.
  3. Suji Priya J, and T. Padma. "Adaptive channel allocation for spectrum sharing based on ACO algorithm." World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 18.1 (2022): 31-44.
  4. Natarajan, Balakrishnan, and A. Vanitha. "A Comprehensive Study on Intelligence System for Automatize Event Tracker System Using Learning Method.", Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, ISSN: 1309-6591/, Volume 12, Issue 5, pp. 1183-1189, July 2021.
  5. Aruna S, An   Energy   Efficient   Routing   Protocol   and   Cross   Layer   Based Congestion  Detection  Using  Hybrid  Genetic  Fuzzy  Neural  Network (HGFNN) Model for MANET, ISSN: 1309-3452, Volume 13, No. 2, 2022, pp. 1007-1019,, Journal of Algebric Statistics.
  6. A Suhana Nafais, Development of Medicinal Industries In Building A Replica To The Damaged Human Tissue For Artificial Organs With The Application Of Micro- And Nano Technology (Mnt), ISSN 1005-0086, Volume 41 Issue 3, 2022, DOI: 10050086.2022.03.1079, Journal Of Optoelectronics Laser (