0427 - 4099922 academics[At]sonatech.ac.in
Admission Cell Sona College of Technology Salem – 636 005 Tamilnadu. 0427 - 4099998 /9442668758 / 9840447392, +91 9442668758 admission[At]sonatech.ac.in
0427 - 4099988 +91 9443367658 fnadmission[At]sonatech.ac.in
The Controller of Examinations, Sona College of Technology Salem – 636 005 Tamilnadu, 0427 - 4099910 coe[At]sonatech[dot]ac[dot]in
Prof.B.Saravanan (Engineering) 0427 - 4099979 / +91 9442601304
Dr.D.Raja (Fashion Tech) 0427 - 4099835
Mr.V.S.SenthilKumar (MBA) +91 9080485577
Mr.N.Sreedharan, Librarian, Sona College of Technology Salem – 636 005 Tamilnadu, 0427 - 4099882 librarian[At]sonatech[dot]ac[dot]in
Dr.S.Chandrasekar, Dean, Sona College of Technology Salem – 636 005 Tamilnadu 0427 - 4099720 chandrasekars[At]sonatech.ac.in
NAAC-Accredited 'A' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO 9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)
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