NAAC-Accredited 'A' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

Date(s) - 24/02/2023 - 25/02/2023
All Day


Conducting Events for students provide opportunity to connect with other college students, build relationships, explore the technical ideas and improve their communication skills. Also, it creates a platform for the organizing students to build their leadership skills and teamwork.

EDISON- student association of EEE department conducted a national level technical symposium on February 24th and 25th 2023. Technical events such as Paper presentation, project presentation, mystery puzzle & backstabber were conducted and Non-technical events such as cine shot, way too far, video quiz and fun zone were conducted.

Around 200 participants from various colleges participated and won cash prizes in the technical and non-technical events conducted.

Greetings from *SONA College of Technology* – *Department of EEE and EDISON Association*

We are pleased to organise a “National Level Technical Symposium” – *EDISON 2023* on *24 &25 February 2023.*

*For registration Kindly Use the Below Link:*

*Abstract Submission Deadline: 20.02.2023 submit to*

*Payment will be in offline

*For More Information: *Students Coordinators:

* S.LOGESH – 93454 07244 & Ezhil Kumaran – 9344360790

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