NAAC-Accredited 'A' - Grade 2(f) & 12(B) status (UGC) |ISO
9001:2015 Certified | FIST Funded (DST) SIRO(DSIR)

I saw a pretty girl, obviously a visitor to SONA, awestruck and standing like a statue. She remained so until I approached her and asked, “What do you see?” Words came from her like a downpour:

I see the tall and broad trees. I see the green lawns and beautiful pavements

I see the gardens carved out aesthetically. I see the distant hills garlanding SONA

I see the majestic entrance of a poetic grandeur. I see grace and gaiety all around

I see Professors lecturing in a sonorous voice. I see words of wisdom written all around.

I see impressive paintings that inspire. I see the library with knowledge at your fingertips.

I see the laboratories with intense activity. I see spacious lecture Halls congenial for learning.

I see the SONA Auditorium reverberating with a lecture. I see lilting music arriving from SONARIA

I see the sports ground with athletes all around. I see the Hostels homely and hospitable

I see the sparkling swimmingpool. I see Peace in the Meditation Hall

I see intense thinkers surpassing Plato and Aristotle. I see vigorous people in action

I see students browsing the Internet with concentration.

I see devoted researchers applying for Patents

I see the happy faces of students placed distributing sweets. I see students eager to join SONA.

I see a tender breeze touching my cheeks.

I see, I see. I see many more magnificent things. The best of them all is:

I see the Pride of being at SONA in all!